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Everything posted by raymond

  1. Thanks alot, I 'll try it right away.
  2. My C5 is already more than 5 years old and engine coolant had been there since day 1, although the appearance of the coolant which I could see from the reservoir still looked quite clear but I guess it should be changed. Can anyone tell me how to do it as I noticed that there is no release valve to release the old coolant?
  3. raymond


    My C5 was built in 2002 and is more than 5 years now, how do I check whether the Hydractive 3 spheres are functioning properly or not? Need some experts advice. Thanks
  4. Have a look at the fuel pump under your rear seat, some citroen have cracked problem with the fuel pump, mine too and need to be replaced immediately. rgds ray
  5. For how long we need to change the coolant for C5? Where is the coolant release point or valve? Thanks Raymond
  6. Have another mechanic check thoroughly the fuel line, there must be a leak somewhere. It is dangerous if you smell petrol as petrol fumes can easily catch fire even a small spark. Suggest to start from the petrol tank, fuel pump, filter, piping till the common rail on top of the engine. Make sure!! Best Regards Raymond
  7. Hi, Have tried to link to the above website but there is nothing there to down load. Thanks
  8. There is a small (about 1 half inch) square plastic cover on the lower part of your rear bumper, insert a small flat driver and you can open this cover and the towing hook should be right infront of your eyes.
  9. 1) All head lights can be adjusted manually and you can find these adjustment knobs on the top part of the lamp when you open the bonnet and you can adjust them by a philips torx head driver. In the case if your car is fitted with an auto leveling device, you can also set the level at the control module attached to the lamp, it is visible anyway. I wonder whats wrong with your mechanics? 2) You need to check whether the problem came from either the sphere or other mechanical linkage to the suspension system. I believe if you can raise up your car with the Hydractive system and apply weight to make an up down bouncing movement, you can already know whats wrong. Try it! 3) The brake squeel could be due to the uneven wear condition of the pads against the Disc, usually what happen to the front pads is the friction width is smaller than the disc and causing incomplete wear to the disc, you can feel with your finger by touching the edges on the external and internal diameter to feel the uneveness, remove this uneven surface and your problem could be solved.
  10. Hi Paul, I have checked the cables and both are free, only thing is when I tried to manipulate the lever at the caliper, they are damp tight and you really need alot of force to move them. I do recall this problem occurred when my front disc brake pads were at their limit and I wonder could this caused the problem? Thanks alot
  11. My C5 has a new problem which is the hand brake jammed after released and will take sometime to come back to normal and the front brake disc is hot after a short drive...Can some one help me?
  12. Hi, I have a 2002 C5 and I have replaced my front brake pads recently, what you need to do is you must screw back the piston with a special tool or worst case with a strong long nose plier till you get enough clearance for the new pads to be sitted in. Remember that there are 2 different rotation to screw in the piston, left brake piston is CW and the other CCW. Very important for C5 with ABS system that during the screwing in of the piston, make sure that you loosen the bleeding nipple so that excess brake fluid do not back flow through the valves in the system. Tighten when it is done and top up brake fluid. Have fun.... :lol:
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