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About Cam

  • Birthday 09/08/1971

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  1. Cam

    C4 Shocks

    Thanks Mike. Apparently, it did almost seem like it wasn't a surprise to the garage. Now I'd like to think they'd be shocked (no pun intended) at a customer needing replacements after 2 years.
  2. Cam

    C4 Shocks

    Not a question for me (I have a little C1) but for my girlfriend. She has a 2-yr-old Coupe and has been complaining about the handling & ride and quick tyre wear for a couple of months. She had it in last week for a quick look and the garage has replaced her rear shock absorbers under warranty. She asked for a 'why' but was given a bit of a fob-off and we're wondering whether it's a common problem. Anyone else had similar issues? Also, she seems to be getting through front windshield wipers like there's no tomorrow.
  3. I've had mine less than 2 months but the drivers seat looks like the cat's been clawing away on it.
  4. Cam

    Petrol Gauge

    I haven't worked it out yet, it's not settled down and I've been away from it from 1 week out of 3. But it's not looking anything like 62mpg. I'm up to 610m on the clock and have put in probably £80+ of petrol (though, to be fair there's 2/3 of a tank left). I'm not especially heavy-footed but almost all of my mileage is short stop-start journeys.
  5. Cam

    Petrol Gauge

    I've had mine for 8 days and it seems to be drinking like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears at a free bar. To answer the question... when it starts flashing there's 5 litres left, just over a gallon. So I'm guessing 50 miles. When the flashing increases there's 3 litres left.
  6. Really? Okay, cheers. I'll call off my angry march down there and just have a quiet, polite word when it goes in next month for it's 1,000m service. Thank you. :unsure:
  7. It's also got an amazingly noisy exhaust, almost like it's blowing. Obviously, it shouldn't be at 6-days-old but I'm not entirely confident it's not been stuck in a southern field under 4-ft of water for a fortnight. I'm going back in on Monday, demanding someone looks at it and wanting my copy of the PDI.
  8. Well, I have it. At last. And it's fecking fantastic. So far. Bit early to give an in-depth road test but so far it's been brilliant. I'm missing the Multispace courtesy car and it's comforts but absolutely no complaints yet. One question though... should it have an Air Recirculator in it?
  9. Cheers. I'm waiting to see what they come up with tomorrow; I'm expecting a "there's been another delay" at the very least. I'll then examine my contractual & legal options. The Bolton one is just 15 minutes from work. Thanks again for that :)
  10. I'm still waiting. After a promise of a 4-day wait it's turning out to be several weeks. Bank Top Citroen, Blackburn = Worst. Car. Dealership. Ever. Lies and attempted mis-selling. The only times I hear from the salesman are the countless times he asks if I want Supagard or Gap Cover. He didn't listen to what I want. I went in with my girlfriend who has had 7 cars off them in 11 years. She jokingly threatened he'd better treat me well. He couldn't have given a damn, just carried on talking about what a great salesman he is, how he sells more cars than anyone else there and strutting around like an extra from Saturday Night Fever. They've lost her as a customer for her new Picasso and all her servicing. My biggest gripe? Within seconds of meeting him I stressed my MOT was up at the end of the month. I reiterated it many times; he has it on paper. When I came to part-ex it another salesman (who, in all fairness, has been massively helpful comparatively) said my current car has to have a MOT. At no time was this mentioned to me. Just like not having blue in stock ("we have all colours", "I'll go and check", "Oops, I forgot again... sign here first". Just like the car's been delayed with the floods. Them knowing this and telling me to arrange my one-week's free Citroen insurance - that's now wasted and lost. I'm now looking at losing the £500 part-ex allowance (and thus having to find it myself) or £400 repairs to my car. If it ever comes I don't trust them for it not to be one of the "loads" they spoke off as ruined & written-off with the floods. They've said they've tried to push through my car without a MOT (so was it all a ruse for me to spend more money on unnecessary repairs???!!!) and that it's 'probably' been accepted. I want to have that in writing but will they return my calls? Guess. I'm marching in on Friday...
  11. Cam

    Rear Wiper

    A go faster spoiler ALWAYS helps! But ain't worth the £300. Erm, sounds offensively obvious but have you tried moving the mirror?....
  12. Cam

    Changing Radio

    Of course! Cheers. :lol:
  13. Cam

    Changing Radio

    Anyone know if the cd player plays CD-R and CD-RW or will I have to go out and buy loads of originals?
  14. I'm a 35-yr-old manly stud-muffin and I've just bought one in Damas Blue. It was a new small car (for reliability) or a 3 or 4-yr-old Volvo or Saab (for comfort, gadgets, grown-upness). My work involves a lot of short stop-start journeys during the week so a friend (who has a C4) talked me into a smaller, more economical thing. A C1 or C2 were the only options give Citroen's deals at the moment and the C1 won out on economy, road tax and much shorter waiting time. I'll be opening a savings account for the money saved by the C1 on MOTs, insurance, repairs, petrol & road tax compared to my 12-yr-old Punto. With it I'll either have a wedge of cash in 3 or 4 years or dip into it along the way for the servicing. It should be with me early next week and I'm looking forward to it.
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