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  1. Thanks for the reply. I've taken the car to the garage for them to replace the battery for me as I'm not that handy and I will take the battery back to Halfords. hopefully they'll give me my money back!
  2. I bought a new battery for my 1999 Xsara VTR from Halfords today but I can't seem to fit it to the car. On the existing battery there are plastic tops that screw on to the battery positive and negative feeds but on the new battery there are no grooves for the plastic tops to screw on to. Have I got the wrong battery and if so, how do I go about getting the right one? The one I bought is the one that Halfords recommended to me.....
  3. I have a problem with the speedo on my Citroen Xsara. I got the car jump started yesterday and when it was jump started the needle on the Speedo whizzed all of the way round so that instead of resting at 0 MPH, it just points straight down. I note that someone else had this problem previously on the forum but there was no solution. Could it be possible to jump start it again to try to see if the needle jumps back? Is it okay to jump start a car that doesn't need a jump start without damaging the car?
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