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Everything posted by bk54

  1. Hi all I've just joined the forum, as a first time Citreon owner, so-far the C8 has been great, until last monday when visiting the World Scout Jamboree, when we came back to the park and ride, the car just would not respond to the key fob, the key opened the door manually but set the alarm off. after several attempts the alarm just didn't silence so we were recovered, a technician at the change over point managed to get it going (not sure how) but when I stopped I couldn't lock the car, I had to drive home for the spare key fob which seems to work, ( though not without some worrying moments, especially after having tried the suspect key again,) I've changed the battery, but the suspect fob still dosen't work. I have not yet recieved the handbook from the garage so I dont know if there is something else i should be doing. many thanks BK54
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