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  1. Thanks for the reply. Like you say, not quite the same. A nice new manager at my local dealers has promised to look into it though, so lets wait and see. Debbie
  2. Just purchased a new 'berlingo desire' and am very pleased with it. Apart from the fact we have discovered that when the tailgate is raised in heavy'ish rain, water streams off it and runs straight into the boot. And I don't mean just a steady drip, this is 'arking' from the roof, completely over the top of the seal, streaming in and puddling in the boot. It happened on our very first outing. We'd gone out with frends, also Berlingo owners, and we were just showing off the finer features of our 'desire' model, parked beside their 'forte' when we discovered our problem. Our brand new car was getting 'flooded' out meanwhile theirs was OK. We compared tailgates and could see no obvious differences or reasons why ours should be leaking, and at the time put it down to the 'waxy' showroom finish causing the water run off. It has happened now without fail on numerous other occasions so I mentioned it to my dealer when I took the vehicle in for its 1000 mile service. The service guy looked at the boot and said there was nothing he could do. I asked him to get a watering can so that he could see the problem for himself. He witnessed the leak but said once again there was nothing he could do about it. I asked the dealership to get the service manager to call me next day, he didn't. As I was about to go away on holiday I put my problem in writing to him to which I have had no reply, 2 weeks later. I shall be chasing my dealership up but I just wondered has anyone else had similar problems. I noticed a posting in 2003 which was similar. Anyone else?
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