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  1. Well still no luck with the Berlingo. The annoying thing is that it feels as if the fault is something and nothing. Battery is fully charged, engine turns but doesn't fire. I've got the manual now, and found out I've got the 1.9DW ('Y')version with the Bosch fuel injection pump. I located the priming pump for this engine and primed it until it was firm. Is the stop solenoid the thing that attaches to the idle speed lever? The position of this doesn't change from not turning the ignition, to turning the ignition. Isn't this the 'choke'?.....shouldn't it be on? I've a feeling either a thermostat or other electrical device is stopping the choke from activating? Any ideas where to look? The only other thing I can tell you is that the car was working fine the day before, and now suddenly won't start. I called the old boy who I bought it from, just to see if this had ever happened to him. He said one morning it happened, and his wife suggested putting a hairdryer in the engine compartment as that night had been very damp.....and it worked for him! I tried it myself as a last resort but no success. So once again, my hunches tell me it might be electrical? Any ideas much appreciated. Al
  2. Thanks John, The Haynes manual arrived this morning so I'm going to tackle it today or tomorrow. I'll keep you posted, Al
  3. Thanks for that John......... As I don't have a Haynes Manual on the Berlingo yet, and that I'm clueless about cars, whereabouts would I find the primer bulb?. Cheers Al
  4. Hi, I bought a Berlingo about 3 months ago.....great car, well pleased. I went to start it this morning and although there is plenty of charge in the battery and half a tank of diesel, it won't fire. To cap it all, the mechanic who I use went on holiday for three weeks on Monday. A neighbour who has a Citroen diesel reckons no diesel is getting thro' and mentioned a solenoid (stuck?). Anybody any ideas....I'd take it to a garage but it won't start. Anybody know any good mechanics in the Bury, North Manchester area?...... Cheers Al
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