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captain cornish

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  1. Hi, got 98 xsara 1.4 drove it about 6 miles other night, left it stand about 10 minutes went back to it started and had lost 1 cylinder, turned off ignition, restarted and no problems for about a week, then exactly the same happened again, reved it but didnt clear, turned off then restarted and again its been ok since, now 4 days ago. Any ideas please
  2. Many thanks i will see if i can try one
  3. Hi I have a 98 1.4 xsara when driving away cold there seems to be a sort of uneven running above 2000 rpm, when hot it is not so bad but at a steady 75 / 80 there seems to be a slight fluffing is does not lose a cylinder just runs as if it is running with a weak mixture. I have fitted new plugs, adjusted the valve clearances and pluged in a fault code reader which brings up knock sensor fault. Anyone help please. Thanks Pete
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