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Everything posted by xtopher

  1. xtopher


    Useful info Kevin many thanks. I was only thinking the same the other day - (after 6500 miles) does my engine sound more dieselly! The trouble is after a while one gets paranoid about the slightest new noise,rattle etc once one is tuned into the cars dynamics! One question - does superchipping invalidate your warranty? Xtopher
  2. ARES, When I first test drove the Xantia I thought this was a 'drivers car' the ride was just supreme. When I changed at 95000 miles I had already decided I wanted a diesel and the writeup on the Citroen common rail engines were very positive on (low) clatter and economy. I knew I wanted that same ride again so I was drawn to the C5 despite some poor reports. I also knew I couldn't afford one for at least two years during which time they usually sort out the problems on new models. So 3 months ago bought an exdemo 52 2.0 LX and a week later got a good deal on alloys which makes it look that much better. I like the colour Misty Lilac but I found the C5 odd in that some colours especially the black models look awful and don't do the body design justice. Anyway it returns 44 mpg and now at 6500 miles has just returned 46 mpg - good economy I think. Motorway cruising is great it wants to just go and that ride! I still get paranoid about making sure I fill with diesel and not unleaded! Having said that I believe diesel pumps should be separated on the forecourts. Hope this is useful, xtopher ;)
  3. Thanks for response 'guys'. Xtopher <_<
  4. When I had my Xantia after every service (it had done 95000) the oil always looked fresh even after several 100 miles. It did use some and was topped up correctly. However now I have the C5 110 diesel (5000 on the clock) I notice that the state of the dipstick oil is VERY black - is this typical of diesel engines generally given the type of fuel they burn or is the oil contaminated relatively quickly? Honest John (Telegraph) always goes againat the manufacturer and recommends oil chnges at 5-7K and not the 10K in the Handbook. Anyone got any factual views on both Q's please? xtopher <_<
  5. Johnmac et al, Isn't it well known that the 'standard consumption tests' return more than favourable fuel usage; no one ever achieves these values? I know it depends on the journey but 54 mpg sounds good to me when my book says combined 50 and extra urban 60. On a slightly related subject does anyone know where I can buy Millers diesel plus - Honest John (Telegraph) swears by it but where the hell can one get it!? :) xtopher
  6. Called the breakdown number as attached to my windscreen (6 month old C5) and asked a few questions. If you are already registered as mine was with Green Flag from new (Sept 02) it continues for the year then it is RAC after that. I wasn't told that at the garage but I suppose it is irrelevant until renewal. Xtopher :angry:
  7. Just done a 'small fuel check' on my 6 month old (3500miles) C5 110 some half local and half motorway less than 70 - it is returning approx 44 mpg. After my thirstyish petrol 1.8i Xantia I am not complaining (yet!). Xtopher :angry:
  8. I have just bought a C5 this month. Just read the Assist and it clearly says Green Flag! Thanks for the tip off...I will need to check! Xtopher
  9. xtopher


    Thanks Kevin very helpful, My handbook mentions particle filters which have affects whether 7000 or 9000 is used. Apparently my C5 does NOT have the filter so 7000 can be used. However it is not apparent from any of the cars info books whether or not a filter is fitted - I have taken the Franchise dealers advice! Xtopher
  10. xtopher


    Dear anyone, My new C5 HDi 110 apparently takes semi-synthetic oil Total Quartz 7000 (I am told it does not have a particle filter so the 7000 is ok - see maintenance guide) . Just been to Halfords this morning -don't do it. I expect Cit franchise will charge an arm and a leg - is there an easily available equivalent bearing in mind I want to run this car properly and for a long time. I assume it has to 'Diesel oil'? xtopher
  11. Kevin, What do you mean by superchipped and what improvements does it offer, Does 'the mod' nullify the warranty and increase the insurance band? New this week to a C5 HDi110bph LX (plus a good deal on SX alloys!)- my mileage is just under 3000 and am now monitoring the fuel consumption. Will let you know if interested. I have immediately noticed how much more 'difficult' it is to drive than my petrol Xantia becausr of the low revs ie more and correct speed gear changes around town - do you agree? Useful forum, thanks in anticipation, Xtopher
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