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  1. The car is an estate that uses the Lucas EPIC system (drive by wire) Going down the motorway the car suddenly sped up slowed as if I was moving the accelerator then took off like crazy to 90+ before the yellow engine management light came on and the car slowed to a chug. I pulled over and the engine was running lumpy. I turned off, restarted and it was fine so I carried on. After 30 miles it started again and I just trundled with yellow light on for the rest of my journey. The car ticked over at a fast rate with a rise and fall of engine revs. Since then the fault came and went for a few weeks it would sometimes start to show with a slow reaction to taking the foot off the accelerator pedal when changing gear before starting to surge a little on it’s own. At first I thought it was air in the fuel or contaminated fuel then I thought it might be the throttle position sensor. I managed to drive for a while, but it started to take on some more dangerous characteristics, sometimes just surging away without warning. Generally the first clue is a rise and fall on tick-over often followed by a burst of acceleration which then causes the engine management light to come on and then put the system into limp mode. Things have moved on and I have spent a lot of money but still have the problem. I took the car to a Citroen dealer in Rugby and it was diagnosed as having a faulty injector pump and a faulty injector. Not good news, so I found a Lucas injector pump specialist in Leicester, they connected their computer and it sent out fault codes for rotor sensor and other things. They took off the pump and tested it on their test bench but found it was fine. They replaced the faulty injector and tested the car- it ran well until I went to collect it and the same fault continued. They changed the filter, the pressure return sensor on the pump and even sent it to an auto electrician. No progress and I am now many, many pounds lighter in the wallet. The car will not run normally at all at the moment- sometimes it starts in limp mode, other times it does the rise and fall tickover thing at about 1,400 rpm . I've cleaned various sensor connections and visually checked those I can see. I am thinking of having the ECU looked at next- any other ideas?
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