You can have bad luck with cars especially new ones, just look at the list of faults from the new 207 its nearly 30 pages whereas the 107/C1/Aygo is a mear 4 pages. Unfortunately it seems you have covered all 4 :D If you are that unhappy with it sell it, whilst I agree with what you say the constant moanings will put people of buying one of the trio, which would be a grave mistake because for me and thousands of others it has been a fantastic car, I would say the best I have owned. I too have had my clutch replaced at 13k but its not a problem its fixed, it feels better then ever and the car runs as smoothly as it did the day I bought it, I have never had problems with leaks. My other point is why did you buy the diesel? Toyota build quality has nothing to do with it in this case as the engine is a PSA design and even without driving one I could tell you its going to be a crock of sh*t. Also with such small cars I daresay the extra mpg versus rising costs versus extra cost of the car trade off is hardly worth it, plus the power delivery is reported to be awful. I think the main problem with your car is it had too much Peugeot/Citroen in it and as we know they cant seem to get anything right at the moment. But all this in context I wish you the best of luck and would invite you to tell us how you get on, nobody needs this much hardship from something that is simply there to take us from A to B. If you do need any advice have a look on google for the man who crushed his 307 and delivered it to the dealers, its a bit of a laugh too!