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Mirko SCG

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  1. had same prob in august when i bought car. it isn't batery its the other part, I dont know how it is callong, but its very cheap it cost me 1eur
  2. my c3 is in the service at the moment... they r checking in which condition is car, does it have an crash.... that complete inspection will cost me 80 euro, if car will be good, i will have to sort up that condensation, probs with radio, and problems with locking... car have: 135.000km 2004 year 1.4Hdi does anyone knows where i can find back seats for him? http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9933/p1000202cp3.th.jpg http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/2671/p1000209eu6.th.jpg http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/8687/p1000210rj4.th.jpg http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/8869/p1000212fs1.th.jpg http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/4489/p1000205vr0.th.jpg
  3. hi i just bought c3 :rolleyes: anyway i have problems, and user manual is on franch... also evrytime i turn enigine off, it deletes my radios station, clock ...., i cant lock all doors only door from driver, like i have condensation in my light i dont know how to turn of wind-screen wiper, they r on most of the time... does anyone know where i can find user manual on english or german on the internet? thx in advance ;)
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