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Everything posted by zedhead

  1. That Superspeed link doesn't work...
  2. The best are towbar mounted ones, but they cost! Tailgate ones are okay, but a faff to get in and out of the back, and roof mounted ones hammer your fuel economy and it'll only be a matter of time before you go under a car park barrier that is just a smidge too low...
  3. Yup, sounds like a fuel filter issue, may need replacing or bleeding. Or maybe a fuel line problem?
  4. Excellent, thanks Pete, I'll be trying that when I finish work tonight!
  5. I have a similar problem in that the heater fan only works on the highest of the settings, and none of the others. rather iritating as the highest setting is loud enough to permanently damage hearing...
  6. Quiet in here innit... :)
  7. Looks like a letter 'F'. so it must mean that your B'lingo is f****d! :)
  8. I have the spanner-shaped service symbol lit up on my dash, and as I do aklkl the servicing myself, I want it to go out now I've done oil change etc! Anyone any idea of how to make it go out? It's usually a combination of tap dancing on the pedals and fiddling with the ignition key...
  9. So that's two of us on the Berlingo bit of the forum... :rolleyes:
  10. Is there any way of slowing down the intermediate wipe on the windscreen wipers? It's too fast and hasn't enough of a pause... screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!
  11. **cough*** ahem. Anyone?
  12. Mine didn't have one...
  13. Take the speaker cover off, measure the distance between the mounting holes, and then pop into your local Halfords (or similar) and find speakers with the same mounting points. You'll be able to get speakers that are significantly better than the standard ones for upwards of forty quid...
  14. That silver one looks great... anyone know what other car wheels fit direct onto a Blingo? Peugeot perhaps?
  15. My fan only works on the highest setting (4?), but doesn't move any air below that. Is it a dicky switch?
  16. At last, I've got my validation sorted so I can post. I've been trying to get on here for about six months, since I found it on a google search for 'Berlingo forum'... Bought myself a Berlingo van last year, but not my first Citroen. Had an AX 1.5 diesel before (that clocked up 150k before getting rear-eneded on the motorway and scrapped) and an ultrareliable C15 van before that, and that had way, way over 150k on it, but the odometer didn't work and was stuck on 140-something thousand miles. that died when I drove it through a flood and it ingested some water and bent a conrod. It still ran fine though, albeit a bit smoky at tickover, but ran clean as a whistle over 30mph, and would still hit over 70mph...
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