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  1. Yes - definitely Centigrade. Infact it has recently increased to 75 degrees C. Globalwarming I suppose?? Still can't get my heater to work though (except when turned to max - 28). Has nobody else experienced these phenomena? any advice etc. Thanks
  2. Thanks for this info. Does anyone know if this external temperature device can have any effect on the car's internal heating controls? My external guage is currently reading 72 degrees C! Don't think this is quite right given the weather!! The only way I can get any warmth out of the heater is by turning it up to Max i.e.28 Degrees. Any help very appreciated.
  3. I gather that a common problem exists on the older version C5's involving involuntary electric window opening. I have a 2.0HDI estate which I am growing to love, except for this peculiar problem. The passenger door window will not stay completely shut - when it is wound up, it immediately winds back down to about half way. Also, recently both front windows occasionally open by themselves - not the most desirable of habits during winter weather!! Has anybody got fixes for any of these issues?
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