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Everything posted by IANS

  1. Thx for that advice - i will try it :) I have jumped started the car - so thought the battery was a red herring :ph34r:
  2. I had a similar problem with my c5 - twice First time it was rectified with 2 new coils 2nd time - they took it in (6 weeks after the 1st fault) Returned it to me foc - saying there seemed to be nothing wrong (after they had it for 2 days) and by some miricle (????) it ran fine and had no error msg....
  3. I have a 3 ltr 2001 c5 saloon its been off the road for 6 months I am just getting it ready for sale - the suspension lowered once (on command) but does nothing now... The power steering seems fine and no visable leaks have occured My battery was flat?? I have jumped started it - would battery charge level have any effect? I have checked the fluid - seems half way between empty and full - could this be the cause?? Is there any procedure I should follow to get the suspension working again?? The buyers are on their way :ph34r: Typical :) any help would be much appreciated
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