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Everything posted by davet

  1. i give up lol. gonna just get a new car. garage will take this hunk of crap as full deposit :(. i accidently forgot to tell them about this problem before they agreed to take it.
  2. if it is the matrix, how much would i be looking at spending on this to have it fixed?
  3. cheers jonno, ill ckeck that when the car is home, and let you know. is the expansion tank the yellow tank attaached to the rad?
  4. i can rule out air con unit, i ont have air con. my first thought was matrix aswell. whats easiest way to check matrix? (can you tell im a car biff?)
  5. I have a 1998 xsara sx 1.6I. Over the past 2 or 3 months, ive noticed that both driver and passenger footwells are getting a nice coating oil oily feeling stuff. should i be concerened, or is this a quick fix? :rolleyes: :unsure:
  6. surpise surprise this is the same problem im having on my 1998 xsara sx. any ideas, please send me a message
  7. ive just started having the same problem. when the blower aint working, can you still feel the heat from it, and can you smell anything from it? ive been told that this looks like the brushes on the blower motor are most likely pitted and the gap is now just too big for a constant supply to it. any1 got any other ideas?
  8. I had a very similar thing. the usual STOP and warning noises, but it didnt really give me the chance to stop somewhere, the engine just cut out completely and rolled to a stop, Restarted the engine and it went fine for a couple of days. turned out that the rear brake cylinder was pissing out brake fluid and thats why it was telling me to stop
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