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  1. Thanks Colin, I cotacted Citroen Services in Rutherglen Glasgow about the keys and he wanted £40:00+ vat just to plug into the Computor so that was a no go Someone said that in car the hand book it explained what to do after replacing the battery in the key so I had a look, did what it said and it now works so thanks to all who got back to me on this, about the blower motor I am going on holiday on Friday so I will fix this when I come home. Thanks Again. Allan
  2. Hi,its me again with problems with the lights on my Xantia HDI.last night when I started the car I had no lights, Headlights, Side Lights, Fog Lights, Instrument Lights, Tail Lights, I had to leave the car in a carpark overnight, drove it home today but dont know where to start looking for the fault can anyone help me please. Allan
  3. Car Xantia 2Ltr. HDI year 2000 heater blower came on yesterday as soon as the car started and as long as the ignition is swiched on the blower runs can anyone help please. Allan
  4. Colin, sorry I didnt get back to sooner, anyway my Xantia is an HDI and its a 2000 so from what I have gathered my key will be radio controlled so the story is that my remote key wouldnt activate the central locking, started the car ok, so I had a spare key which hadnt been used for a few years tried it and worked a couple of times and then stopped, I should have said that when my key didnt work I replaced the battery, some guys are saying that I have to reprogram the key but I am unsure how to do that, by the way thats not my only problem yesterday the heater blower runs cotiualy when the engine is running can you solce that one. Thanks Allan
  5. I have a xantia 2 ltr hdi with two keys the other day the key that I use stopped working so I fitted a new battery but it didnt work so I tried the spare key and it worked a few times and then sometimes it didnt work is there some way to check what is wrong I dont want to go to Citroen if I can help it Allan
  6. I have a Xantia HDI 2 Lt and looking at the posts this morning I seem to have had a few of the problems myself including the LHM level not working, I was changing the LHM and when I removed the tank I saw that the wee cap which fits on the bottom of the level gauge tube had come off, I refitted it, and after the job was done the gauge worked again. Hope this helps. Allan
  7. I had a similar problem, same car both ABS rings were cracked. Just a thought. Allan
  8. Colin just saw your post about what I called ABS Rings I wish I had seen it last year it might have saved me buying CV Joints, and having the problem with the Gaiter Clips. Thanks again Allan
  9. Last year I fitted new CV joints to my Xantia 2 Ltr HDI but didnt get the clips on the gaiters tight enough so their is a wee bit of grease leaking and I think it is affecting the ABS. I want to fit new clips but so far I havnt been able to get them can anyone help please. Allan
  10. Hi. is there anyplace to get hydraulic pipes other than Citroen Allan
  11. Hi. about the removal of the anti-sink sphere the small pipe has to be removed before you unscrew the sphere you wont lose very much fluid but you might find it quite hard to pull the pipe out of the sphere other than that it is an easy job. allan
  12. Thanks for getting back so quickly it might be worth a try. allan
  13. Hi, Iam back about my Xantia ABS Brakes the ABS rings on both front wheels are broken and I have been told that I would have to replace both drive shafts is this right , Allan
  14. unclefista, sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but at last I think the fault is with the brake valve, when going very slow and touching the pedal very lightly I can feel something through my foot, so if this is the problem where do I go next, please dont say a Citroen Garage. I hope you can help. Allan
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