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About BrentC4

  • Birthday 06/18/1988

BrentC4's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey all... Can anyone tell me the exact dimensions of the gas lift struts that lift the trunk. Ive asked Gabriel, and well they cant match the ones I have. Ive asked the local dealership, the said it was R500 which is about 33 Pounds. Anyone come across this problem before?
  2. Well every car I owned i changed it at 75'K, the weird thing is the service book in the C4 says 120'K... Well the Citroen Dealer quoted be about R 6000, which is more or less 500 pounds. Does that seem like a right Quote
  3. Has anyone replaced there cambelt on the C4 yet, if you have, what millage did you change it at and the cost factor. I get the funny feeling my local dealer is trying to pull a fast one on me. many thanks
  4. Hey All... My Friend just got him a C4 VTS.......I will be getting one soon, cause its very quick and I like. Anyways, all points aside the hooter of his car just started going off and would not stop, so we had to disconnect the battery, but everytime we reconnect the battery it goes off again. Has anyone had or heard of this problem? Let me know... Peace out
  5. Hey All Has anyone had a chance to turbo-charge there C4 VTR(petrol). I want to do mine, so please let me know what you did, replaced and maybe broke in the process. Let me know if it gave you better performance or if you are having sh1t with the car. Peace Out all...... :rolleyes:
  6. well well well.... how all the Members....? My clutch has just gone now :( , well so the Citroen dealer says. The mechanic recomends a whole new clutch kit not like a have a choice. :angry: Can anyone tell me what a Thrust bearing is and what the sole purpose it does for the car, and how long is it supposed to last in miles? :huh: Happy driving all
  7. Hey All The explosion might get Citroen to reconsider the desining of the car......
  8. Hey everyone This seems to be a common fault with Citroen. The way I had my problem fixed, I took it to a backyard mechanic, he connected a computer to it which read out all the problems, he then cleard all problems...............touch wood they dont come back. Check ya
  9. Hey All.... I got the prob fixed, all I had to do was get the error cleared. so I took it to a mate of mine pluged his PC into the car and boom cleared the error, since then no more probs...
  10. Wats up... Thanks For all the suggestions but im not putting the cat back, about this stage 2 remap of the E.C.U, I take it the Citroen Garage wont do it for me.......
  11. Hey All........ I have A C4 VTR, Recently I took out the cat, this has given me a Fault a few weeks later. The error on the sreen is displayed as "Anti pollution Faulty". :angry: Does any one know of this error and how it can be sorted or even cleared permently. Kind regards BrentC4 :blink:
  12. BrentC4


    Hey All I belive the factory radio is a Blaupunkt...... Well Im looking at upgrading my radio to one of those Flipout screens......now if I had to get one of these, will I loose my Sterring Wheel Buttons? Im Looking at a Blaupunkt Chicago IVDM-7003..... Let Me know what you peeps thinks Peace Out All
  13. BrentC4


    Yo Dawgs Quick question. I wanted to know the Cam shaft on the 2.0i VTS C4..........is it the same in the 1.6 VTR C4(petrol) The dealership thats in my town, can not tell me....................not that they know anything about the car.........Bone heads Be Safe Dawgs
  14. BrentC4


    Howzit Man Well Im replacing each Bulb With one 10mm LED, the back interior Light is working fine, dont ask me why, but it just does (knock wood). The Front Interior Light does consist of three, The map reading lights are being replace with a super bright White 10mm LED, one LED for each Socket. The Centre light is being replaced with a red 10mm LED. So in other words I leave The centre light on at night and i have this red glow around my dash and my back seat, pretty neat huh? Switching on the light well i would like to drive with it on the whole time, it would be nice to switch it off during the day, but thats not bothering me. In a nut shell I just want a red glow in the car at night times............. Peace out all.
  15. BrentC4


    Hey All, this site is the Sh*t. Anyway, I got another question. Ok Ive the C4 VTR, inside the cabin you have your interior lights, one for the front which has two map reading lights and one normal light, the back one only has the normal light. I had a brain wave and replace the map reading Light bulbs with bright whit LED's, now the LED's are six volts, which means I need a resistor cause the standard power is twelve volts, ok im sorted with the map reading Lights. When it came to the the normal lights they had to be red, so once again I need a resistor, here is the curve ball, the back LED Shines at full no problem there. The front one has a dull glow on it. When I tested the conntact with the multimeter, the reading was eight volts, so I went out and got a eight volt resistor, it almost blinded me.................now it just glows like it did before, and the reading is now 1 volt. Is the some catch to this, Im not very clued up on electricity. Shot any suggestions Are most welcome P.S. I have been stopped by the police...........and the complemented me on my car. :unsure:
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