Hello, I am the original poster. Sorry for the delay, first I went on holiday, then I had computer problems, but now I am back. I cannot get the forums to log me in so I have had to re-register. It seems my local franchise kept trying to repair the turbo. I got fed up with breaking down and being towed in (four times so far) that I lost confidence with them and phoned another franchise for a second opinion. They booked the car in and replaced the turbo. They told me that they never repair turbos; they always replace. The whistle was the bearings in the turbo. I know about not revving turbos when you switch off, but I don't know how I know this. I am sure that Citroen did not tell me. They ought to put it in big letters in the handbook or a big stickre on the steering wheel when you buy the car. Anyway, I am sure I have not revved it when I switch it off, as I drive on to my drive I slow down so as not to hit the garage wall and then switch off when I am at a standstill. What's inside a turbo? Is it just a fan that forces air into the engine under pressure? Is it mechanically driven by the engine? Why does revving it wear it out?