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  1. Thanks - the Traffic Master licence has expired but I must have pushed the button to trigger the light coming on. I can go and sort it out now and not worry that things are about to break down. Thanks for the tip about the suspension level light too - I'll watch out for that. Stef :)
  2. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help - I have a 52 plate C5 HDI saloon (mine since October last year), and just recently a warning/information (?) light has been appearing adjacent to the multi finction display screen, on the right and just to the right of the oblong button with the tick symbol to confirm changes to the display info/time etc. It sometimes starts off red and then goes green and then eventually goes out or just starts off green and then eventually goes out. It has happened 4 or 5 times but is getting more frequent. I can find no mention of this light in the user manual. There are no other warning lights coming on at the same time. Does anyone have any idea what it is for and what it is trying to tell me? Thanks, in advance, in hope of somehelp! Stephanie
  3. Problem solved (after7 days in the workshop and much inconvenience) - all they did in the end was disconnect the reversing lights, I drove it for a week like that, then when they reconnected them the noise had gone, and has not come back. I only get the noise when the reverse gear engages -which is correct. Thanks for all the suggestions and help. Stephanie
  4. Hi - it's been some time but things have moved on from my first note! The first dealership did change the reverse light switch but the problem persisted (we do not have the parking assistant option so it can't be that). I was asked to take it to a different dealer who only suggested it was the overspeed alarm as they could not make the fault occur whilst they had it (but we had not set the overspeed). But after this dealer had it the noise did not occur for 6 days (bliss) but started again 100 miles into a 170 mile journey last Wednesday. It was then intermittant until yesterday (see below). It is now going into the first dealer again tomorrow as the alarm went off nearly every 30 seconds for 120 miles yesterday on our way home from South Wales. After eliminating the reverse lights and the overspeed I am back to the reverse gear sensor. I have told the garage I do not want it back until it is fixed (or they have disabled the sensor!), unles anyone has any better ideas? Your, in hope, Stephanie
  5. Hi I do not lock the car during the day - but will start now! It has been in with the dealer twice now (they said they had fixed it but it did it all the way home from the garage the first time and all the next day). After reading the handbook a little more the problem appears to be the parking assistant 'assisting' even when it is not engaged (like when doing 70 in the fast lane on the M6 with no other car within 20 yards in any direction). After the second garage visit yesterday they say they cannot replicate the fault when they take it out but they have replaced a light senor switch (?). They are happy there are no other faults anywhere but the noise is unbearable when it going off. They have said there is no problem with the battery itself. Has anyone heard of or experienced anything like this before? Can anyone recommend a dealer in the Warrington area who I could take it to for a second opinion? Thanks in advance for any help I may get with this! Stephanie
  6. Hi, We have had our 51 plate C5 since the start of September and are really pleased with it, but last Thursday for no apparent reason the battery discharged itself, during the course of the day whilst parked, so it had to be jump started. Since then we are getting an intermittant persistent audible alarm with no warning lights to accompany it. The alarm is the same noise as ocurs when putting it into reverse - a short deep gong noise. The persistent alarm can start at any point after starting off and then comes in ones and twos at no particular interval. The battery has been OK since. Has anyone else ever had anything like this and what did it take to fix it? It is going into a dealership tomorrow to be looked at but I am worried what they might find. Looking forward to hearing from someone, hopefully.
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