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  1. Try the guys on http://www.eurovan2.com This is a forum that is totally dedicated to the C8 and its friends (807, Ulysse, Phedra) and someone will be able to give you some advice.
  2. I have also just got a C8 2.0 HDI SX and also have the same problem with the door mirrors not retracting ... anyone got any ideas ? Do your rear doors close if you lock the car using the remote ? Ours don't but I thought that they should ... Great car though ... comfortable and nice to drive... I'll let you know of any faults as/if they occur. Door mirror retraction can be manual or automatic - see the users manual on how to set it up. Doors don't close when locking - you have to shut them first, then lock.
  3. There's not much activity on this site for C8 owners, but if you go to http://www.eurovan2.com you'll find a large group of C8 (and 807/Ulysse/Phedra) drivers willing to help you with absolutely anything related to these beautiful :blink: (if flawed :angry: ) motors...
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