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  1. :unsure: i thought there would have been at least one person out there to help me solve this dilemma! are all the boffins on holiday? anyway! i have found out there should be voltage on both sides of the diode [with engine running] and if there is not it means the diode is broken. i must also see if there is voltage at the wire where it goes into the oil pressure switch first. if there is no voltage at the switch [with ign on] it means there is a break in the wiring or a bad connection somewhere in the loom between the battery supply and the switch. i'm told i'm only looking at 5 to 10 volts, the range needed to make an l.e.d. operate :unsure:
  2. try sticking it on a fault code reader! if there is a problem it would normally be recorded in the brain of the car. the garage where you had the belt done should have a reader[ if they're any good] and then you can go from there!! it sounds like they might have timed it up wrong. did they fit a new tensioner as well as the belt. if this jumps or sticks as the revs are altered it could be causing a blip on the timing for a split second and this would make the management light flash! but as i said earlier it should be recorded on the brain[ecu]. this is only my opinion dont take it as gospel :unsure: regards, stanman
  3. i suppose it is possible that the oil light switch is gummed up in the {off light} position? is there any way of checking the diode on the dash or the wiring circuit for that particular light. on older cars you could earth the wire out going to the oil pressure switch and with the ignition turned on the light should come up! with these modern circuits and diodes involved i'm not sure if you could use the same technique? any citroen boffins out there to help solve this? :unsure: stanman
  4. cheers mate! : appreciate it :)regards stanman
  5. update:- management light is now out but still no oil light when i turn ignition on! i have been told some later cars now have a system in place where the oil light does not come up until there is a fault? i would have thought this was a dangerous method of keeping an eye on your engine condition but nether the less is this the system in place on these vehicles? the hand book is not very helpful so any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. if someone else has got a berlingo van could you just let me know if your oil light comes on as soon as you turn your ignition on? cheers , stanman :(
  6. hi all, is it possible to repair a failed oil pressure warning light on an 05 van? ive stripped out the small bit of dash and found that there are no bulbs in there but there are an abundance of lcd's!! the oil light has not worked for some time and the first i knew of it was when the engine management light came up. i have cleaned the oil pan in the sump and now the oil is getting back up to the cam shaft but i still have no oil light and i cant get the management light out does it need to go on a diagnostic m/c to get that light out and the oil light to come back on? cheers for any help, regards, stanman :(
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