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Everything posted by ACHUKA
Looked at the oil dipstick for the first time today, and was a bit alarmed to see a pea-sized ball of yellow gloop on the end of the stick... Is this normal, or should I mention it to my garage?
My multispace doesn't have the 'Berlingo' logo on the right hand side of the tailgate, just the CITROEN name on the left-hand side. I have noticed that both older and some new Multispaces do have the logo. Have they stopped doing it, or did they just forget to put it on mine?
What's the best technique for refitting the petrol cap? I haven't developed the knack yet, and feel a right clot on the forecourt trying to find the right angle of application!
Unless they're huge pics I'm happy to give them some webspace. E-mail them to me at info@achuka.co.uk
>Tailgate also needs a good slam to close it, is this normal? Yes, ours does too. Haven't noticed the puddling problem though. The indicator stalk on ours often needs switching off manually, but that's something I'm happy to live with
The 1.9D engine in our brand-new Multispace loved the warm weather last week - still seems a bit tight on a cold start, but then we've only done 700 miles. In cold conditions there's still an issue (see a post in New Owner) with engine/body vibration, though that would appear to be a quirk of our particular car, and one which will hopefully get sorted at the first 1000-1500 mile service. I'd go for the diesel engine every time - for reliability, longevity, economy, 2nd hand value etc.
Even better pleased with Berlingo now that the warmer weather's here (the engine vibrations seems to have been connected with frosty starts)... http://www.achuka.co.uk/achockablog/images/warehouse/berligo01.jpg
The auto volume change on the setup in our new Multispace seems to work a treat. Yes, it's unobtrusive, but you wouldn't want to notice it, would you? Certainly, I haven't had to keep adjusting the volume as I used to with the system on our old car.
I'm very happy with what I appear to getting from my 1.9D Multispace, but then I've only driven 500 miles... i'm always a bit paranoid about running the tank dry anyway, so the value of x miles on a full tank is always hard to determine accurately.... but I do know that fuel economy improves with age - whether that's especially true of petrol engines I'm not sure... I love my Multispace more and more each day!
Nice to hear from another new owner. Did you see this piece in The Guardian yesterday (Tues 8th April): http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,...,932470,00.html subtitled: "OK, it's ugly, but it's hard to find fault with Citroen's ever-so practical Berlingo" Got some reassurance about the vibration noise I was getting in ours (see other post)
Thanks Albert. I'll bear those points in mind when I book it in for the 1st service. POSTSCRIPT: Felt sufficiently new-car-hyper today to go back to the dealer and ask them to check out the engine noise. Of course, it was nowhere near as apparent as it had been, but the workshop engineer took it for a 3 minute spin with me in the passenger seat, and drove the engine a lot harder than I'd been doing and it sounded sweet enough at high revs. So if there is a prob. I don't think it's engine related. Possibly some body work that reverberates in low temps. I'll relax now till the first service. Check out this piece from The Guardian Tues April 8th: http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,...,932470,00.html
Our Berlingo Multispace (10 days old - 300 miles on clock) has developed noisy acceleration in low gears. Sounds like vibration from the engine area. ANyone else had this? Is it something that will get sorted at the first service?
Still really chuffed with our new Multispace and seeing lots more on the road, including one identical to ours in our own hometown, except that that one has a personalised reg. plate. Some observations: ~lots of slopping noises from the diesel tank when reversing into parking spaces ~some degree of engine/body vibration noise at high rev. (tho have to say this was only really noticeable when my wife, with a tendency to be over-heavy on the throttle in low gears, was driving) ~nice heating system (it was grey and cold in the SE today!) ~Neil Young's Silver and Gold (sounded great on the tape system, and it's nice to have those programmed RDS traffic alerts) so we're not missing a CD deck AT ALL ~ have driven 300+ miles in 10 days so first service will be due v. soon after Easter - am presuming that the high idling rev. will be calmed down a bit at that time Michael www.achuka.co.uk
We were out driving for most of the day yesterday in the new Berlingo. It's a dream compared to our ancient old Peugeot 405. I love the driving position. My one worry, from review comments, was that I would find the 1.9 trad diesel engine sluggish, but it's perfectly nippy enough for me and the relationship of gears to speed is much more logical than it was (had become) in the old car, where 3rd gear was particularly naff, and 4th gear always nagged you to move into 5th even in builtup suburban areas. Only dodgy moment yesterday was when I filled up with diesel and couldn't work out how to get the rather awkwardly designed petrol cap back on. There must be a nack, so will have to practice today. Began to notice many more fellow multispace drivers on the road and felt like giving them all a wave of fellowship. We're also really pleased with our colour - Sahara Gold - though would prefer it if the Registration document did not describe it as 'beige'! :)
Regarding CD player. I've decided we'll probably be happy enough with radio and the odd cassette for short journeys. For longer trips I'm wondering about buying a portable CD/MP3 player with one of those in-car adapters. Does anyone have any good/bad experience with them? This is my eve-of-collection. First time with a brand new car, so I'm filled with a boyish sense of excitement.
Have now been given this Friday as MY pickup date... Can't wait. Wish we'd had it this weekend, with the superb weather. What colour is your HDi - our 1.9D is Sahara Gold...
Mine's the new updated model, so I guess a series 2 - but it's the old 1.9D engine - I'm not bothered about the speed and acceleration and I'd like to see the HDi engines notch up a bit more of a track record, although on paper they seem wonderfully economical I'd also be interested in info. re. a CD fitting - although initially even cassette music will be a luxury, since the system on our old Peugeot 405 estate (G reg) bit the dust some time ago... Got the reg. number on our new Multspace today - picking it up next Friday... we've spotted just one other in our local area so far...
Just back from the showroom having bought a 1.9 diesel Berlingo Multispace on the current £1000 cashback deal (nice!), after a couple of weeks scouring the competition. Enjoyed the test drive. Haven't seen all that many on the road in our area, but there are hundreds of European websites. Great to find this UK forum, which looks to be in the early stages of development. Hopefully there'll be more Berlingo owners registering soon.