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  1. OK... update. The Citreon C4 hatchback DOES NOT come with a 9 speaker system when upgrading to JBL despite the brochure saying it does. The coupe does however come with a 9 speaker system. The amp is under ther drivers seat and im not surprised i couldnt find it it is bloody tiny! Will try to take a pic but its very packed in so will be difficult. You can just about see it hanging out of the drivers door side and under the seat. The sub is on order and they are replacing it. I think i might be able to put this one to bed now! Cheers all... M-O-R
  2. Wozza, et al Been looking for the amp under the passenger seat as you mentioned. cannot find anything that looks like an amp just bits of plastic. Is there a pic of what should be under the seat available? Im really beginning to think they messed myJBL upgrade up from the start as this would be a very real reason why the amp has been blown for day one! Cheers Nathan
  3. Hmmmm... really dont think there is after giving it a good look over. The sound quality is substantially poorer from the back than the front. Certainly no high range sounds...
  4. Wozza, thanks for that. The brochure clearly states a "9 speaker system" with the JBL upgrade. I quote from the PDF on their web site In-Car Entertainment JBL Hi-Fi system (amplifier, nine loudspeakers incl. a subwoofer, bi-tuner radio, double antenna +MP3 reader) None in rear shelf, like the Coupe... Will be taking the car back this week again if i get time and let you know whats happened Cheers M-O-R
  5. Had delivered a new (company car) C4 VTR+ (5 door) with the JBL upgrade in March this year. I noticed I could only see 7 speakers from what should be a 9 speaker system. Its been a long saga to get this issue resolved but what i am being told now is that there is 9 speakers and that the front doors have doubled up speakers. I think they are talking crap and i am sure i remember the chap showing me months ago another VTR+ that had another two speakers in the parcel shelf (which mine doesnt have). In addition i simply cannot see any space in the front doors where the speakers could be doubled up. The sub has been blown since day 1. I have been told by Citreon to take it back and they will strip the doors to make sure the speakers are "doubled up". Can someone confirm where i should have the 9 speakers? I have two tweeters on the dash, what i believe is two in the front doors, two in the back doors and a (blown) sub in the boot. Total = 7! Any help greatfully received PS: My stereo in the car is also exactly the same as a normal C4. Is there an upgrade on the facia that comes with the JBL upgrade? Ta M-O-R
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