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  1. Hi all me and my dad had a good look at it last night, sprayed some water displacing spray inside the maf sensor and on the connections and its running sweet as a nut thanks for your posts
  2. Hi all thanks for your replys just to update you so far? 1. The car didnt cut out. I did check the air filter and it was soaking. I have since replaced the filter with a new one and its still the same its really hesitating till you get to around 3,000 rpm then all of a sudden the powers there. 3. How do i check the maf sensor to see if its working or not ? 4.http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Air-flow-mass-meter-MAF-sensor-Citroen-C5-C8-HDi_W0QQitemZ280387172779QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item414860b9ab Is this what i should be looking for ? :)
  3. Hi all think i got a big problem with my car its all come about since i got caught up in a big puddle last friday. Since then the car doesn wanna go at all its really sluggish like as if the turbo has been taken off. If i really hold the car flat it will go really slow picking up it wont even go up hills without dropping to 2nd or 3rd. But then sometimes if i just keep the accelerator down when driving when it hits about 3500 rpm it pulls like theres nothing wrong >>???? so i'm really confused now\ ??? as to what it could be. Look forward to hearing your suggestions ? :)
  4. hi all for some reason my c5's handbrake is coming right to the top beofre theres any bite on it also when i got to release it after leaving it on the brakes feel like their stuck on its only after i got for a drive down the road then they release????????? any suggestions what this could be, i know that the handbrake is on the front wheels would it be just a simple case of taking wheel off and greasing up the caliper????????
  5. Hi all for some reason the back door on the drivers side wont open, any suggestions. The nightmare i got is cause the child lock is on so i cant even open it from the inside ?? Be great if someone can tell me what to do here. Cheers Chris
  6. Finally sorted the problem, all along it was the key, i can get the car started now all i have to to is put the old key into the ignition barrel first then as i'm taking that key back out slide the spare key in. Sounds a bit much i know but hey! it works. All booked into citroen now to get re programmed this week so fingers crossed. Thanks for all your help anyway ;)
  7. Hi the old fob wil open and unlock the doors and the spare key will open doors via lock and will turn the steering lock off and put the ignition lights on. So what i've done at the moment is take the chip out of the old key and put it into the new one so now i got a fob which will open and lock the doors and will turn the ignition on but it wont start. So it's booked in down citroen this afternoon so they can sort it out for me. ;) Hopefully it wont be to much costly.
  8. Na no luck cant get the fob to open and lock the doors ?? Still wont Start ?
  9. no all the display is saying is economy mode ???? I'll try that with the key tho and let you know if it works ?
  10. No the spare fob has buttons on it to, but they wouldn unlock or open the doors etc. so i took the board out of the one that was working so it will open the doors now but wont start the car.
  11. hi does anyone know of a good plug in diagnostic thing i could get for my car ??? the car is also in safe mode now and wont let me do anytrhing????? any ideas??? the guy has check the pump and its working fine?? theres fuel getting into the rail but not passing through the injectors so i haven got a clue he has suggested maybe it be the crank shaft sensor or the key/immobiliser ???? i'm ultra confused . I need to reset the fault codes thats coming up and then try and start it see what happens. what codes re appear
  12. Ok will have a check through it later on and let you know what my findings are ?
  13. Hi all, my c5 has just died on me, this is exactly how it all happened. The kids were sat in the car with the mrs messing about and the littlest one bent the key in the ignition. I managed to get the key out but i tried to straighten it and the end snapped off. My dad took me over my house to fetch the spare key i put the key in tried to start it but the car wont start now???? just keeps turning over any suggestions??? I've called the aa out but no luck and the car has gone into safe mode stopping me closing the drivers window. they pulled the fuel line off by the filter and the fuel is comeing through from the tank. i'm just hoping the high pressure pump hasn't gone again ??????? is this likely or can someone suggest anything else ???? ThANKS
  14. Hi there is the maf sensor on the pipe coming from the air filter, if it is i just unplugged it and there was no difference in sound when it was unplugged????? whats it supposed to do when i unplug it ?????? obviously i had the engine running ?
  15. How do i check that fella ??
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