....a quote from my daughter!! The story so far .... Nov 2006 splash out and buy a yellow C1 Rhythm, rationale being :- affordable, cheap to run, good car for daughter to learn to drive in ( in 2 years, when she is old enough ) and buying new should give me a few years trouble free motoring ..... guess which of those I got wrong? all went well for first few months, then had 3 visits to dealers to get flashing airbag warning light fixed ( faulty ecu's) Then I started having trouble starting the car (sometimes ) the car would start, run for a few seconds then cut out. this could happen 20 - 30 times then it would start, sometimes it would start first time, there appeared to be no rhyme or reason to the problem. rang dealers who took it in and to cut a very very long story short since end of june they have had the car for a total of 60+ days. ( It was parked at home for 3 weeks when i was away on hols) I had to take it back on return from hols because the problem was still there ... it has now been there since the last week of august. they have tried various ecu's, immobiliser, instrument cluster, checked the wiring etc etc etc . They have had a list of things to try from citroen (none involving 2 sticks of dynamite and a match !!!) but are now at a loss where to go next. has anyone had a similar problem ??? I must stress that the dealer has been great ... I have driven almost the whole range now as courtesy cars ( god knows what the neighbours think). I am going to talk to the dealer tomorrow as I feel I have been patient enough and now need some action from citroen .... I will keep you informed !! OH .... and hello everyone .... this is my first post !!