Hi, I have an 'X' Reg Xsara 5 Door 2ltr HDI, When I bought this car, i suffered a number of Engine failure-to-start problems that required the car to be bought home on the back of a truck, usually, when I tried the car the next day it would run as normal, usually for a number of weeks before not starting again (usually miles away from civilisation). I eventually discovered that a connection between the large Relay on the Bulkhead under the Bonnet (blue wire) and the Fuse box was breaking down, this was effectively cutting power to the Fuel Pump. I simply ran a wire in parelle to the existing wiring between the relay and the fuse-box, result, no more problems. I discovered on a forum (like this one) that somepeople were wiring their fuel pumps directly to the Battery to get round this problem, or (as I did whilst sorting out this problem) making a lead that could be plugged into the Cigar lighter socket to provide power to the pump. Both these solutions are good for getting out of trouble, but if your car has the same fault as mine, i feel the neater fix is to bypass the problem as I did above. Good Luck