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Everything posted by KirriePete

  1. My '03 103,000 miler has been known to go all 'knackered Transit' every now and then - a switch off, leave it for 5 minutes and restart usually cures the sound. I've been told it's something to do with the ECU throwing a wobbly and putting the system in 'limp home' mode. If yours is stuck like that I'd suggest you get the ECU interrogated to see what error it thinks it's got, pretty sure it's not a mechanical fault, these engines are pretty much bombproof, although you could have the sole Friday afternoon special .......
  2. Haven't looked at the brakes on the Blingo, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it's a single piston setup with a sliding caliper. If that's the case, the likely culprit is seized (or just plain sticky/rusty) sliding pins that are stopping the caliper body from moving back away from the disc. Clean 'em up with a wire brush and give 'em a smear of copper grease (or a high temp silicone grease) and they should be fine. 9 years without needing this done? Every bike I've had with this setup has needed doing after every winter (and sometimes twice!).
  3. Hold the trip reset button down while turning on the ignition - the display should flash for a bit (5 seconds? 10??) and reset the service counter. You can let go of the button once it's done. You're welcome.
  4. OK - reacquired my faithful 2003 Blingo 1.9D from number 1 son after he (ab)used it for a couple of years. Apart from the dented wing where his n/s front wheel fell off (don't ask!) it's in not too bad nick, except ..... Did a test install of a JVC CD/Radio/MP3 unit with remote adapter and found the central display locking up (time and last message frozen at point of starting the engine) and it wouldn't turn off with the ignition, so I whipped the JVC out and put the original back in for now. Display OK but the horn only works when the ignition is off! WTF? Judging by some of the posts on t'interweb a BSI reset should sort it, I know it involves a battery disconnect and sidelight switch on, but is there more, particularly resetting the central locking? I should point out it's had a new BSI about 40,000 miles back (it's on 102,000 now) after water got in and gave it the full "Mad Citroen Disease" - lights flashing, wipers wiping, locks going dolally - the missus thought it was possessed! So ... full BSI reset sequence? Wiring fixes to get the JVC installed properly? All help appreciated. Oh, alright - here 'tis: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f159/KirriePete/100_1904Large.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f159/KirriePete/100_1905Large.jpg The wing ding: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f159/KirriePete/100_1901Large.jpg
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