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  1. Hi Allan, my Xantia is the same, I was gonna change the valve myself, but TBH I can't be arsed ;) When I get round to it, I'll have a go myself, but at the moment, I seem to be subconciously driving around it :) It's not a difficult job, I'd imagine an hour or so at a Citroen Specialist, part is £95 from GSF. Good luck
  2. Have you checked that the glow plugs are working ? Actually taken them out and watched 'em glow ? TBH if the problem is worse when cold, that'd be my first point of call...
  3. According to the Haynes BOL (not verbatim, but you get the general idea :rolleyes: 1 If your car has seatbelt pre-tensioners; disconnect battery and disconnect orange coloured wiring plug from under the seat. 2 Carefully pull the plastic trim panel from the outer edge of the seat. Pull the panel upwards then towards the door to release it. 3 Unscrew the bolt securing the lower seat belt anchor to the seat frame. 4 Move the seat fully forwards to expose the rear mounting bolts, then unscrew the bolts. 5 Move seat fully back to access the front mounting bolts. 6 Remove seat. 7 Recover the plastic plates from the floor noting their locations. Sounds easy, and it is, I've had my seat out to weld the frame, it was broken when I bought the car...
  4. Check your rear calipers to make sure they're still sat true, on my brother's Xantia, there was corrosion between the caliper and the mounting (steel v ally) and they just weren't sat straight anymore, causing 'em to bind. We replaced the calipers 'cos they were knackered, and all bolts snapped off in the hub, thank god for helicoils :lol:
  5. Is it definitely the ABS playing up, or a slow oscillating effect that only appears at certain pedal pressure ? I'd find a quiet road and force the ABS to kick in to compare. If it's the latter, then it sounds like your brake valve (dosseur) needs replacement.
  6. Sounds like it could be the valves need their clearances setting and causing the valves not to seat properly once warm, I'd do a comprssion test when cold, then when warmed up..
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