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Everything posted by stui

  1. Hi all,is there an easy way to change the rear/lower engine mounting bush,without the hassle of removing the drive shaft..... Many Thanks in advance
  2. No worries steevo mate,hope you sort it,if you dont mind me asking what Xantia have you got ?
  3. Hi 57Steevo,check the wiring in the rubber bellows where it goes in the rear door,you will probably find that some wires have broke,I had 4 wires broke on the O/S/R and 3 on the N/S/R,believe this is a common problem on the Xantia.Hope this helps mate :)
  4. Ok just returned from the car,its clicking a couple a times a minute from the front,so I'm gathering that's correct. Turned the engine off and the rear is sinking.So would it pay me to change all 8 sphere's seeing as they were done over 3 years ago..?
  5. Its the rear that sinks,front seems to be ok.
  6. It sinks as soon as the engine is switched off at any time,but as soon as you restart the engine it rises normally.............and yes its slow to rise once it has been left overnight.
  7. Hi,I have a 2.0 HDi Xantia Exclusive 1999,every morning the suspension is slow to come up,then during the rest of the day it comes up as normally. When you turn the engine off the suspension sinks. Was wondering if this could be the anti-sink valve playing up. I had a look under the vehicle back and front and in total it has 8 sphere's. The car has a full service history showing that 6 of the sphere's were changed in 2007. Do they require to be changed again as I've seen that they should be done every 3 years as a matter of course. Many Thanks
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