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  1. forgot to add a few bits i have a 2.0 HDI C5 with 200,000 miles on the clock and well looked after and i'm from the UK and used a cold Jet wash with a bit of soap also if this do fix your folts i'd go back to them and kick up and tell them you want some of your money back :)
  2. Hi all after drivin and getting a a beep with the {anti pollution fault} popping up i went on line and found this were you all said you'v had this folt after reading a lot of it started thinking it's about time to sell the car i love but as i was 100's of miles from home i had to do something the last thing i needed was it playing up on me and having all the other folts that come with this lil folt so i did the only thing i cud at the time think of and that was to do what i was told to do on this and keep staring and messing kith locking and trying to see if it would reset but had no joy so the only other thing i thought of doing was give it a lil wash so i pulled off all the bit's and covers so i cud get at the engine and used a pressure washer on the engine getting in an bit i cud after 4 mins the light whent out and the folt stoped popping up i'v now run it in a bit aka bake home and give it a good race car drive home to see if this folt pop's back but even after the boot it had the folt has gone :-D i'm so happy and do feel sorry for anyone that had to pay for this to be fixed after Citron UK just seem to play dum and rip you all off if i have this folt pop back up i'll let you all know but i fixed it and it cost me no more then £3 happy days... hope this helps and you find it works for you all
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