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  1. Ok thanks for the info, I'll look into doing it the way you said. With regard to changing the box, it's all down to cost (so I might have to put up with the crunching) I can drive it alright with a crunch now and then but if my brother uses it he seems to do a lot more crunching than I do. Maybe I should charge him for each crunch, that might stop him. hahahahaa Thanks again for any advice offered.
  2. By the way I have got all the tools to do the job & I even have a great big hammer. lol
  3. Thanks for posting the video: That’s the way I was going to go but I wanted to check that I was right. I’ll let you know how it goes; I’ll have to get my younger brother to do most of the heavy work. I broke my arm in two places, well I broke my arm up near the shoulder & broke my wrist just before xmas. So I still don’t have full strength in it yet, he’s 40 and at that age where he wants to start learning hahahahha. Kids eh? lol Once again thanks.
  4. To whichever Admin: Thanks for sorting out the spam in this posting.
  5. To whichever Admin: Thanks for sorting out the spam in this posting.
  6. I just had a lot of welding done on my van, so I am now thinking about repairing / replacing the oil seal on my gear box. The one where the end of the drive shaft goes into the side of the gearbox on the passenger side. (It’s leaking gearbox oil from there) which I think is why my gears crunch when changing gears. (I am going to do it myself as the welding costs got out of control, I used to do all my own repairs but as you do I got lazy but now I don't have a choice) Does anyone know of any where I can read up on what I need to do or any videos showing the process and what tools I will need? I have a basic idea of how it should work but would just like to read or watch something just to make sure I don't bodge it up. Also how long it should take to do? It’s a Relay 2000 X reg 1.9D manual. Thank you in advance for any help offered.
  7. You have been reported to the site adim with regards to all the shite you have put on this page, stop now your I.P. address will be tracked Tossers....
  8. Just an update about my steering problem: I have been off work (I broke my arm and wrist) they were both bad breaks so I have not been doing much to the van lately. I took the van to the garage and they replaced the Strut bearing at the top of the suspension leg on both sides. The van drives perfect now. One down two to go lol Now I'll get the leaking oil seal sorted out on the gearbox / drive shaft, then once that's done I'll have the engine oil leak done which I think is the gasket of the sump. I know it's an old van but the way the engine runs it seems a pity not to do the work on it. Now that I'm back in some sort of motion I'll keep you updated.
  9. I don't know if you got this job done but I am looking at doing the job and found this on youtube (if I'm aloud to post it here)"not sure been a newbie" http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=replace+bearings+on+a+strut&aq=f It tells you how to do the work I think they all come apart / go back much the same.
  10. Thanks for the replies, I did ask about the tracking they said it had been done after they did the first lot of work. I'll have a word with the garage and tell them your suggestions and get it booked in. For a 11 year old van there seems to be plenty of life in the engine but with the steering the way it is I would not want to go to fast for the moment lol As regards to the gearbox any idea where the drain / filler plug is ? As this is a job I could do myself, oh yeah how much fluid does it hold? I have been told these vans are known for the crunching gear boxes but everyone I talked to seems to just let them crunch away (I can't be doing with that) lol I'm quite lucky as there is a guy near me who breaks these vans and has most of the parts I'll need, there is also VanParts which is quite close as well. Thanks again for replying and I'll keep you updated.
  11. Just an update, I have had 2 ball joints replaced on the van and a trackrod arm. The steering seems a lot better but still pulls a bit so I'll check tyre pressure next, Once thats done if it's still no better I'll get them to change the power steering rack. I'll keep you up dated. And the gearbox still crunch's going into 2nd and 4th gear anyone got any idea's what that could be?
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