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Everything posted by Stevie

  1. Sounds like the central locking motor is at fault here.As a quick fix-remove the door card and unplug the motor.It will mean you'll have to lock the door manually by depressing the interior catch,but should stop you having a flat battery. Colin should be along with a proper fix soon!
  2. Indicator lens dropping off is quite common with ZX's.I've lost two over 9 years and am still seeing more ZX's with same! :lol: Replacing the indicator is fairly straight forward. Open bonnet Locate rear of indicator and gently pull the bulb holder out of indicator Release spring from bodwork and pull the indicator out. Installation is just other way round.Just make sure the spring is firmly attached to bodywork and is through the small hole in indicator. I would advise though putting a small bead of sillicone or some type of glue like Araldite around the joint where lens meets silvery grey back.It will help prevent it dropping off again and also stops moisture getting inside the lens-which could lead to an MOT fail.Neither genuine or pattern parts are the best of quality so prevention now saves time later!
  3. Hi there Colin. Im quite intrested in the Mergi stuff you use,but i cant seem to find out anything about it or distributors using Google.Does it make a difference in improving performance too??? I normally fill up with supermarket diesel (Tescos) if im near one cos its cheaper than the main oil compaines,but the downside is its crap fuel.I know im driving a boggo standard diesel and not a sporty hatchback,but my accidental experiment with Shells V-Max diesel proves that diesel quality does make a difference and you get what you pay for.The only bad point was the price of V-Max per litre...it makes your eyes water....a lot... :D I used to toy with different petrols and octance boosters/fuel additives when i had a modified Calibra Turbo.I always ran it on superplus unleaded which made it quicker,but always put a bottle or two of octane stuff in the tank for our trips on Santa Pod's drag strip.Sadly,it died a painful death due to my lead foot and then i decided to be normal & get a ZX diesel...made me feel like i was cycling again! :P
  4. This is gonna sound strange-even to me while i type it! :P Few weeks back,i accidently filled my ZX diesel up with Shells 'V-Max' (go faster) diesel fuel cos i wasnt paying attention and only realised was when the nozzle clicked off at £53 which is around £8 more than it would require with normal stuff.Admittingly,it did make my car more responsive and accelerated quicker,but the peculiar thing is-it did more miles to that tank full that it would with conventional diesel. :D I normally average around 400 miles per tank (i dont run it down too low) cos my journeys tend to be on twisty roads here in east anglia going to and from work.That particular tank of V-Max diesel however was odd cos i did 440 miles effortlessly and i was driving it harder-taking advantage of the extra oooomf! :P
  5. Its worth considering whether the imobiliser is faulty and its not switching the fuel on.Perhaps a visit to an auto-electric garage is needed if all other avenues have been exausted. ps.I agree about giving 'Easy start' a go too.Used it on various diesels over the years like cars,vans,forklifts,lorries-even cement mixers with 100% success.
  6. I have seen blank 'plips' on Ebay so worth checking them out too.
  7. The headlights on my ZX were diabolical from the day i got the car (8 years ago!),but recently i bought some Exenon bulbs from Ebay which have made a difference.The one problem which makes it worse though is where i work.The roads are terrible and covered in crap so they get dirty very quickly-so a dim light gets even dimmer! After 3 days-it looks like i have 2 candles on front of car... :D With regards to wiperblades-stick with Bosch cos they're the best. :P
  8. lol-only the French could mix em' up like that! :rolleyes: I too worked in motor parts and it was always Peugeot/Citroen which caused us the most problems. ;)
  9. Sounds like one or both of the belts need replacing.Often they start squeaking when worn and easy way to check is look at the underside of belt-it will likely be perished and cracking.
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