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  1. C5 estate, 2.0 petrol I've been experiencing this juddering at low speed, (similar in effect to the kangarooing learners are supposed to do) but it has nothing to do with the clutch. It seems to me it's getting more pronounced and more frequent, so what I first thought was a normal feature now seems more like a fault. The juddering can happen at any time when travelling at low speed but is worses, a) soon after start, b) when going down an incline and c) when the accelerator is completely released. The juddering is a rapid switching between two states (1) the vehicle under power, driven by the engine, and (2) the braking effect when the car overuns and tries to turn the idling engine. This is why it's worse running down an incline with foot off the accelerator. It's as if some part of the control system says - the engine should be 'off' and provide braking effect - whilst some other part says - no keep the engine going. The rev counter is usually showing between 1 and 2 thousand rpm when this happens. I've noticed that the iding speed, which is normally around 800rpm, can sometime be held higher around 1300 for a few moment and I presumed it was the hydraulic system, or the like, demanding more power occasionally; that's why I thougth the effect was normal at first. But now it's hard to believe it's normal. Has any one else experieinced an effect like this? I'm still trying book repair time at the dealer.
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