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About anomolouswizard

  • Birthday 04/13/1948

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  • Location
    Hockley, Essex, UK

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  1. I have a problem with the rear wiper on my C8 which was initially missing the window completely when I bought the car (used), I attempted to adjust the wiper angle by moving the washers on the 3 mounting bolts which seemed to work for a while but the blade is now missing the middle of the top of the swept area. The motor is mounted on a plastic frame with no obvious method of adjustment. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem?
  2. Did not work Stephen, tried all combinations I could think of with the buttons you mention & there was no effect on the sliding doors. The information may well be of use to some other puzzled C8 owner though. I wonder if anyone else out there has any other ideas? David
  3. Thanks Stephen, will give this a try. David
  4. Hello, I have a '04' 2.0 Diesel Auto C8 which I love but it does have its quirks. Does anyone know how to switch off the child lock on the sliding rear doors. I have the owners manual which shows a switch to be operated on each door but there is no switch in the location indicated, just a blanking gromment. When the door release fitted to the pillar for rear seat passengers to use is pressed, all that happens is that you get 3 beeps. The local Citroen dealer has no idea! Thanks in advance. :(
  5. Thank you for your advice. :rolleyes:
  6. Does anyone know of a reliable supplier of workshop type manuals for the C8? I have tried Rapid Manuals UK but their software does not seem to instal properly & I cannot get any response from them either by email or post.
  7. The rear wiper on my C8 is missing the centre section of the window. It looks as if the whole assembly is set at the wrong angle & the arm is lifting the blade off the glass for about 1/3 of the screen. Is it possible to adjust this? Does anyone know of a supplier of the foam padding for the driver's seat, it has collapsed on mine? Thanks
  8. Hello, Does anyone out there have the fuel consumption figures for the 2ltr diesel with & without the roof bars (spoiler type). Thanks
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