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  1. My electric sunroof wont open anymore. I hear the motor trying to move n it gets cut off. Any way to re-tialize the mechenism?
  2. After 3 days at the agent's workshop 1) The water pump had somehow dislodged and was bent out of the proper alignment of the timing belt area. Tht was causing the ticking / tapping noise as the belt tension was wrong!!! Lucky there was no reported engine damage. They replaced the whole timimg kit. Is it true the timimg kit needs to be replaced evry 60K kms? 2) The agent claimed they changed out the gerabox ECU, but the snow mode still occurs tho the gear change is smoother now. 3) They are ordering a new clutch actuator for replacement as they suspect it might be the culprit. 2 weeks leadtime I heard, I hope it is true! :( on the bright side, it is all covered under warranty, the bad is I never faced these niggles in Jap cars..... well well
  3. I got so fed up with the scrapping of the bumber trim below that I took the whole piece off. :( I really cannot imagein lowering the car n maintain driviability. I don like to sweat going up/down steep inclines multi story carparks , road humps n all .....
  4. Timmz


    Hi, for my C3 with sunroof, it is the 9 positions of length travel towards the rear of the car. no control of tilt at all. It runs parallel to the car roof.
  5. Thanks for yur views iannez, I am more worried abt the sensodrive gearbox not working correctly. The alternator gives 14 - 14.2v unloaded and down to 13.8v during gear changes. I am also getting random 'snow' modes for the gear box for no reason at all, sometimes it even comes when I start the car in the morning before I move off. The manual states that the 30 weight oil is acceptable, am using 5w30 fully syn M1 oil, oil levels r ok . I seriously don think that there is engine damage. It is clicking and tippaty tap sounds, not banging or pinging ( I think) just that the sound was never that pronounced before.
  6. Hi Guys, Just a quick check on 2 items. (A) I hav a digital volt meter installed. it registers a 0.2 to 0.4 volts drop whenever : 1) the senso drive gear box is initializing ( hear the gearbox clicks) 2) change of gears during driving 3) stepping on the brakes is this normal? seems the gearbox controls does drain a lot of current, more than the alternator can supply. (;) I am using 5w30 weight engine oils of late and seem to hear some mechinical tapping sounds from the engine. It seems to be the rockers or the cams are making this tip tap sounds that follows the engine rpm speeds. Is this normal or shld I juz be safe n go back to 40 weight oils? Thx
  7. Rite on. contact issue. pried it open n re-fitted, it worked. Thanks a million
  8. Hi, For my case, it is permanently off, and cannot be activated to prevent opening from the inside. it sucks wen the dealer wants to charge you for such silly fault rectification after the warranty period.
  9. abit of a silly question, but I cannot seem to get the child lock to work. nor can I find the section in the manul on how to activate/deactivate it. help appriciated, thanks!
  10. Hi, Anyone knows how to activate and program the "auto lock" function Do advise. thanks! Timmz
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