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Everything posted by ian_c

  1. I believe, due to a couple of aftermarket cruise fitments resulting in accidents, that citroen have *deliberately* made the aftermarket fitment of cruise impossible this time round. Several people over at berlingo.info have added the parts but the ecu side has refused to play ball....
  2. :D Guess it is US biased... not my handywork. Still, will give a good layour of where everyone is..... roughly! :lol:
  3. Came across this nice little tool called frappr... basically allows you to create a "group" map with marked points for where people are. It's just done by closest town, so no-one need know where your pride and joy is stored. Thought it might be interesting to see where everyone is, so I've taken the liberty of creating one for the berlingo owners. http://www.frappr.com/vanwithwindows (hope you don't mind the tongue in cheek name, was talking to my cit dealer last night, will be joining you soon it seems!) So jump in, add yourself, make sure you click the "not in US" link tho else you may find yourself in New York instead of York! :lol:
  4. She was a 1.9i petrol, pre-cat... had a green induction system for a lovely growl, and a heap of stereo stuff (boot, what boot? :D ) Great car, was 5yrs old when I bought it, nearly 10 when I got rid. Spent three weeks doing modified car shows in europe, met up with a few modded ZX owners over there. That picture was taken at Spa circuit, which is a public road most of the year. Blasting through Eau Rouge is quite special I can tell you! Not the best pic, but this gives you an idea of the stereo install..... http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tavia4x4/Cars/zxsubs1.gif Sorry.. we're going OT here.... What is the standard tyre size on the bingo? 195/55?
  5. Interesting, as the wet performance is one of the things that I loved about the proxes... Nice to see another ex-volcane owner tho! I always sweared by Mich Pilot's on the volcane... Ah, nostalgic moment.... http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tavia4x4/Cars/spaZx1.jpg
  6. Am a newbie meself, but is a quiet board, for now :lol: Welcome on board!
  7. Depends how you take roundabouts :lol: Usually the nearside will take a touch more wear....
  8. I'll reply even tho I don't own a bingo... yet... Sounds very much like VAG's "K-line" for diagnostics. *if* it is as it sounds, the perm live and ign controlled leads have been swapped round. You need to disconnect the diag line also. Easiest bet is an autoleads adapter lead or similar.
  9. It's always a difficult balance between cost and performance..... I have tended to use Toyo Proxes (T1-s, now superceded by T1-r) , evo rated them 2nd in their tyre tests, and at around £70 a corner they were very impressive.... ...but currently running Kumho Ecsta 712's, £50 a corner from mytyres.net, £5 a wheel local to get 'em fitted, very good grip and possibly even better at clearing standing water than the toyo's. These were the control tyre for several MG race series, they cope very well with high lateral load and heat, the sidewalls feel stronger than the toyo's. (205/55/16, on my octavia) Ian
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