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Everything posted by iShock

  1. Can you give any more information please? I'd be very interested to know as much as possible. Do you have any relationship with Mike & the Mechanics - good group them! :D
  2. There does seem to be more problems than fixes on these pages. And it looks like the posters problems were fixed not through skill and knowhow but by a fluke. I'm happy for him. 2½ years is a very long time to drive with rattles and noises and when you spend your hard earned cash, it's very disappointing to put it mildly. Should have got the new brakes for free though :D
  3. I would like an independent view of this. I'm in Merseyside - if anyone knows a good specialist - I'd be grateful if you could let me know as my car is in the dealership again. I'd have to pay obviously.
  4. Thanks Tim, I have done 1800 miles in this car since late July2005. Is this too late to ask for a refund? I do like the car but I'm not prepared to listen to these intermittent knocks, whistles and squeaks and everyone knows that the hardest faults to fix are intermittent one's. I don't have a lot of confidence in my dealer and I'm already prepared for the excuses they're going to give me when they can't replicate the problems. Today I drove for 15 miles before any knocking or creaking occured! I live on an estate where there are speed bumps and what I've read recently has really put me off. The c3 seems to have a bad reputation when it comes to suspension problems. If I was to keep this car, I think in the end I would be on first name terms with everyone in the dealership. I don't want to name and shame them at this moment in time but they're on Merseyside. It's going in tomorrow - no loan car available because they need 2 and half weeks notice for that but they have offered me a lift home which is something I suppose. I think I'll write a letter tonight giving them 14 days to identify the source of the squeaks, creaks and knocks and to repair them to a standard whereby it won't happen again otherwise I want a refund. They've already had it in 12 days on one previous occasion. Cheers Peter (seat cover problem updated on my site)
  5. I've managed to convert the noises, squeaks and knocks to mp3 now so everyone should be able to hear them on My Webpage. If anyone can give me any help in how to handle the dealer or what my rights are during this annoying time, i'd be very grateful. I really do love this car and I hope I get it sorted soon. Thanks Peter
  6. Hiya, (new member today). Is this the place you come if you got problems :D I bought a new c3 the end of July and I've got knocking noises coming from my suspension on the n/s/f wheel area. I've also got intermittent squeaking from the same area. Not every time, but frequently, driving over bumps, sunken grids will cause the knocking sound. I've already had a wishbone replaced and other problems and now this again. Is this common? I've put a few webpages together if anyone wants to listen to the sounds. I've recoreded them on my mobile phone. One is an mp3 but the others are amr format - the new free real player plays them or the nokia software if you've got it installed. Please visit and listen and let me know if you can shed any light. And can I start some kind of legal proceedings in order to get a refund or replacement as I have no confidence in the dealer? Thanks My Webpage
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