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Everything posted by dizzyblond

  1. Hi Guys...just to clarify further: wheels have been swapped diagonally and side to side, brake pads have been swapped, disc run out checked, any bearing/bush or rotating anything has been examined and measured - if appropros...in fact the only thing to do now is find the eternal 'unturned stone'!!!...it almost has to be in the diff/transaxle and the more I discover the more I am sure I am simply NOT going to go there - it is difficult to justify spending approx 25%-50% of the value of the vehicle looking for I know not what!!...but will report back if I ever find out what it is, or if it implodes and becomes apparent what the 'noise' was...once again thanx a mill for all your suggestions, ideas and unselfish help...kind regards dizzy
  2. Dam, dam and dam again!!!...well after waiting for about 2 weeks to get my wheel bearing – things take forever here in the Ozzie bush!! – I had it fitted yesterday and the noise is still there...so now the only remaining possibility is the diff/transaxle assembly, this seems to be the only other component(s) that can possibly react to an increase in load when turning into a right hander – just to refresh; the noise (a rubbing sound like a worn brake pad on the disc, in sync with the wheel rotation) increases when I turn into a right hander - indicating that it is the left hand front wheel assembly, well that is the logical explanation but as everything has now been triple checked, inc the drive shaft stripped and now wheel bearing replaced, the only other place is in the diff and there is no way that I am going there, simply just too much filthy lucre needed to make it worth while...so thanks a mill guys for all your suggestions and help, sorry I am not able to solve the puzzle and believe me I would dearly like to be able to!!...if I do decide to go into the murky depths of the transaxle and find the problem I will post the results, or indeed if I discover what it is full stop...kindest regards to all dizzy
  3. Hi guys...apologies for the delay in responding I have huge problems with net/mobile and land-line access where I live and am often off the net for days/weeks at a time - grrrrrrr we love you Telstra!!...thanx for your input FOK - or is it Steve?? I think you helped me with my last C5?? btw the cable never ever arrived!! I owe you a few beers for that...so I am going to have a wheel bearing fitted and see what happens then and hopefully all will well... OK maybe we should all take a break until I have had the wheel bearing fitted and then I will report back and hopefully all will be well...once again thanx a mill to everyone for all your comments and suggestions...a very confused dizzy!!
  4. Hi paul.h...as I said in my first post the car is right hand drive - I am in Ozz - the noise could be heard by me in the drivers seat on the hoist but not by the technicians below, damm!!...all pads removed, cleaned and refitted, all discs checked for runout, handbrake checked...good point re. diagonal connection of brakes, will have that checked again, the abs sensors have been checked and are all OK...most vehicles discs suffer rust film if left for a few days but usually clears after the first application of the brakes and I have no hard drive onboard...thanx for your input it is much appreciated...kind regards dizzy
  5. Hi paul.h...thanx for your reply and insight...BUT...the noise is definitely coming from the front left hand side...all the brakes have been thoroughly checked and the pads are Citroen originals...tried the h/brake, no change...the discs are spot on, virtually no run-out at all...I am 99.99% certain is is not swivel joints, ball joints or wishbone bushes, this is not a clunk type noise or a droning noise it is a rubbing sort of noise, like sandpaper on some rusty metal...AND...it only happens when the wheels rotate and always when the wheels rotate...the car has been up on a hoist and then the wheels have been taken off the deck of the hoist by an inner hoist and we ran the car up to 60kph and the technicians were underneath with stethoscopes and long bits of metal rod etc etc trying desperately to pinpoint the noise but to no avail...it has remained exactly the same in intensity over 5000kms and it just suddenly appeared one day apropos of nothing, right out of the blue...once again thanx a mill, gotta keep trying to fix the things that Citroen couldn't!!...kind regards dizzy
  6. Hi everyone and now for a insane story!!... I have the most annoying and so far untraceable ‘noise’ in my 2007 (face lift model) Citroen C5 2.2Lt HDi Bi-Turbo 5 door hatch, with the 6 spd sports auto transmission... OK here we go: the noise is a ‘rubbing’ sound that emanates from the front nearside (left hand side facing forward)...it cannot be heard from the back seats, it is not heard in the same intensity from the front passenger seat but is heard loud and clear from the drivers seat (right hand drive) and when it is at its loudest ie slowly going through a right hand bend, it can just be felt through the steering wheel... It is a regular cyclic sound that is generated in sync with the road wheel rotation – any gear, any speed, it is totally in sync with the road wheel speed...it sounds like a worn out brake pad coming into contact with a slightly bent disc – but it’s not!!... It is definitely originating from the front left side, this is shown when the car is turned into a right hand bend/corner when the noise will get markedly louder...conversely when turning into a left hander the noise will disappear, indicating that when the culprit is loaded up, then it becomes more ‘stressed’ or more in ‘contact’ hence the increase in noise level... These are the areas that have been investigated: 1. All wheels and tyres have been rotated and/or changed... 2. All wheel bearings thoroughly checked... 3. All Brake discs and callipers/pads etc as above... 4. Left hand side drive shaft removed, CV joints split, repacked and replaced... 5. Transmission serviced, including fluid change... No components were found to be faulty or had undue wear patterns, abrade marks or the like... The only area that seems to remain a grey area is the transaxle/diff, which would rotate at road wheel speed, but the loading factor is a mystery??... If anyone has even the remotest idea, or maybe even knows what it is – a very knowledgeable Citroen dealer was absolutely sure it was a ‘cup and spring’ in the inner CV tripod joint that, due to an over-extension of the drive shaft, would become loose and would then wedge itself into something in the joint and subsequently make the noise...well good try but no cigar...as mentioned above the CV joints were stripped and nothing untoward was found, dam!!!... It is of course sending me slowly bonkers but I may go deaf before that due to the hi-fi being turned up so loud to mask out the noise – HELP PLEASE!!!...thanx everyone for reading...dizzy
  7. Hi Guys...here is the problem of the week!!...OK the car is a 2007 C5 HDi BiTurbo and I have a fractured hydraulic pipe - looking at the car from the front ie. battery on right, the pipe that is connected to the left hand sphere and then runs down the bulkhead behind the left hand side of the engine in combination with 2 other hydraulic pipes making a 3 pipe combined unit (PSA part No: 5270RN)... I cannot access a Citroen dealer - don't ask!! - and I need my regular mechanic to replace or repair the pipe...BUT...I need to pressure down the hydraulic system WITHOUT using the computer... My question is: How do you de-pressurise the system without using the computer to open all the ports??...and then when the pipe is fixed; How do you bleed the system WITHOUT using the computer to open all the ports??...Any help most gratefully received...thanx a mill dizzy...PS any hints or tips on extracting the pipe combo gratefully received!!!
  8. Hi Guys...OK it's down to the wire with this sob of a C5!!...I have decided to bite the proverbial and dispense with the Catalyser...BUT...not sure how to do this??...I could just cut it out of the front down pipe and insert a piece of straight s/s pipe or maybe just drill a big hole through the guts of the box or simply knock the innards out of it altogether??...anyone done this or know the accepted procedure??...I am looking to get rid of the back pressure created by a 'blocked' catalyser and before you ask, 'no' I cannot afford a complete new exhaust - I live in Ozz and they charge an arm and two legs for a C5 exhaust here, mongrels!!!...any help much appreciated, will also post in 'Technical' sorry for the duplication...kind regards dizzy
  9. Hi Guys...OK it's down to the wire with this sob of a C5!!...I have decided to bite the proverbial and dispense with the Catalyser...BUT...not sure how to do this??...I could just cut it out of the front down pipe and insert a piece of straight s/s pipe or maybe just drill a big hole through the guts of the box or simply knock the innards out of it altogether??...anyone done this or know the accepted procedure??...I am looking to get rid of the back pressure created by a 'blocked' catalyser and before you ask, 'no' I cannot afford a complete new exhaust - I live in Ozz and they charge an arm and two legs for a C5 exhaust here, mongrels!!!...any help much appreciated, will also post in 'Problems and Fixes' sorry for the duplication...kind regards dizzy
  10. Thanx for that Guys...I have yet to receive my leads to enable me to process the ECU file, will revert when I have 'split the atom'!!! LOL...thanx again for all your help...kind regards dizzy
  11. Hi 'john douglas' and 'mikey' and thanx for that much appreciated...now behind my battery on top is the 'transmission controller' or that's what it checks out as when I google the info from the top of the box...so is the ECU underneath this box or behind and lower or what, any ideas???...and how do you actually remove the ECU, as in; is there a procedure to follow before or when you unclip the plugs?? I mean something like the procedure for an electrical reset maybe?? or perhaps a procedure to 'power it down' or something or is it just simply; unbolt, unclip and remove plugs, and remove from car???...from what little I know about C5's this all seems way too simple and uncomplicated???...also is there anywhere I can get hold of a wiring diagram for the C5???...OK guys thanx again for all your help, much appreciated...kind regards dizzy
  12. Hi Guys...where EXACTLY is the ECU on a 2005 HDi 4 spd auto???...I am going to replace the OS file (to remove the FAP particle filter file) and have been led to believe that it is easier to carry this out on the bench with a stabilised power supply, is this correct??? and are there any tricks to removing it???...anything else I need to know???...thanx in advance for all your help...anyone heard from 'coastline taxis' lately???...kind regards dizzy
  13. Heh Steve (CoastLine Taxis)...I just PM'd you...dizzy
  14. Thanx for that 'old mosher' I will carry out the check that you have flagged, like you say 'hopefully' it may fix things but in the mean time I will also remove the FAP filter etc as per guidance from 'coastline taxis'...one way or the other I am so determined to fix this darn thing!...kind regards dizzy
  15. Hi Steve...OK here is the VIN number: VF7DCRHZE76528855...can't send messages from my 'Messages' function???...but obviously received yours, maybe send me an e.mail addy so we can use that??... I guess there are several ways to go with the hardware - the Lexia/Galleto - I am more than happy to pay for you to post your equip to me if you have it and you find this acceptable? or I am happy to buy the units, all I need to know, in the latter case, is which ones to buy (from the many Chinese versions available on e-bay, not all of which work correctly I'm sure!)... Again I am happy to purchase/lease the ECUsafe file or whatever s/ware is involved... I have a UK HSBC bank a/c so transferring funds to your bank will not be a problem... Jeez I am just itching to get this great car back up and running again - I really like the C5 and the diesel makes so much sense, I owned a Xantia diesel a few years ago and decided then that when a reasonable C5 came up I would buy it, well you know the rest!! but I am not about to give up and hopefully this s/ware + h/ware(the FAP ceramic filter) fix will return me to square 1...thanx for all your help so far...kind regards dizzy
  16. Heh Steve...thanx for taking the time to try to help me I am very appreciative... I am a mechanical engineer of sorts - self taught bush engineer really, cars have never been a mystery or a problem for me until now!!!... For instance I have taken a Chrysler Torqueflite transmission - fitted to a Jensen CV8 - down to its last piece and rebuilt it without any manuals or special equipment, well except for help from that guy at The Clock Garage down on the A23 somewhere??... So I am more than confident to have a go, in fact I am determined not to let this sucker beat me!!... Will take FAP filter off - in line with the exhaust, right after the turbo outlet, right?? - and either pressure wash the ceramic insert or even remove ceramic insert altogether - I have heard that this is the best solution and gives the engine a more 'free flow' characteristic??? but will be guided by your hands on experience... I may not be able to take FAP filter off before next week as I am pretty busy right now and I believe it is a 3-4hr job and of course I have no hoist or pit to work from, but I am happy lying on my back, so to speak!... Naturally I am more than happy to pay for any expenses re. Lexia/Galleto ecusafe s/ware etc etc whether it is just the postage here and back or a hire fee as well, no problem, I am so determined to 'beat' it!!...have a good w/end talk next week...kind regards dizzy
  17. Hi Steve...many thanx for that, I have rejoined the yellow wire, it didn't seem to do much??!... Although I have some of the service records there is no detail and calling the dealer met with "sorry the privacy act" when I asked for detail... I have no diagnostic stuff but am happy to buy a Lexia and Galleto if that is what I need??... In fact any help in getting good working versions of both on e-bay would be a godsend?... I have (since my last post) checked all the fuses again and I also removed the fuses in all 3 fuse boxes that related to ESP/ASR but that did not deactivate the dreaded limp mode... If I need to use a Lexia etc will I also need a copy of the 'ecusafe' file?? and if so any ideas on who has one or where I can get it??...kinda running out of ideas here...many thanx for your time and energy...kind regards dizzy
  18. Hi Steve...many thanx for your response... OK here is the story: bought the car with 290K kms on the clock, it is a 'Tiptronic' auto 5 door hatchback saloon, it had been a company CEO car since new (2005) and used for long motorway journeys and meticulously, no expense spared, maintained, spoke with previous owner, no clues... 'Antipollution Fault' msg and 'service' msg and 'engine' icon light on dash on when I purchased, had the car thoroughly checked by Citroen dealer BEFORE I purchased and they said 'anti pollution' msg was a common problem and they could find no faults, "just ignore it..." After purchase I took it to another dealer and asked them about 'antipollution msg', they checked car with computer and said there were no faults and switched msg/icons off, they reappeared after about 40kms!... Everything seemed to work fine, with nothing obviously not working or in some way not performing correctly, drove home (750kms) about halfway the antipollution msg went out completely on it's own, arrived home and next day started car and msg came back... In the next 2-3 months took car to 2 other dealers they both said the same and reaffirmed that the car had no faults, one switched the msg off only for it to reappear after about 50km... All went well for about 9 months - apart from the fan speed controller giving up the ghost, which I imported from the UK and replaced myself - with really good mpg and performance with no complaints or problems as long as you could ignore the antipollution msg and dash lights, I used the car mainly for long trips - 3-500kms - and some shorter trips... And then about 2 months ago, apropos of nothing, whilst out driving the 'ESP/ASR Not Functioning' msg appeared complete with the dreaded 'limp' mode, the 'antipollution' msg remained alongside the ESP/ASR msg... Since then I have checked all that I am able to check; electrical connections, filters - not the FAP particle filter though, fuses, carried out 2 electrical resets or latch resets, checked the MAF unit and no signs of being dirty or clogged in any way, checked the intercooler and again found it to be clean and clear (in it's honeycomb) and to have no oil inside, also checked the diaphragm behind the engine block and the operating rod is not broken and finally out of desperation, based on the experiences of someone - sorry don't know who? - on this forum, I cut the green wire coming out of the loom under the ECU, absolutely no change and nothing seemed to be affected!!!... The battery is new and is the correct one for this vehicle... I get BOTH fault msgs's with the 'skid' icon and the 'engine' icon and the 'service' msg in the instrument cluster, the ESP message kicks in about 5-10 mins from cold start and within 30secs after hot start, the antipollution kicks in straight away hot or cold and always has... Never any power loss or misfire - it is a HDi - had a service carried out about 4K kms ago which included filters, oils etc etc by a Citroen dealer, again despite me asking for any other probs to be flagged they said the same; no faults... Apart from these two 'faults' - the 'antipollution' and the ESP/ASR' - there are no other anomalies at all, the car has performed faultlessly in all other ways, it is the 4spd auto... All I need to be able to do is to get it to drive and then I can take it to a dealer and get their opinion, although I shudder at the thought of the cost - I replaced the fan speed controller and the total cost was $85, including post from the UK, cost of the unit here at a Citroen dealer, $427!!! and that is without fitting!!...as I am out in the bush this is starting to feel like the quintessential 'rock and a hard place' scenario, any help most welcome, thanx in advance...dizzy
  19. Hi Steve...many thanx for your response... OK here is the story: bought the car with 290K kms on the clock, it is a 'Tiptronic' auto 5 door hatchback saloon, it had been a company CEO car since new (2005) and used for long motorway journeys and meticulously, no expense spared, maintained, spoke with previous owner, no clues... 'Antipollution Fault' msg and 'service' msg and 'engine' icon light on dash on when I purchased, had the car thoroughly checked by Citroen dealer BEFORE I purchased and they said 'anti pollution' msg was a common problem and they could find no faults, "just ignore it..." After purchase I took it to another dealer and asked them about 'antipollution msg', they checked car with computer and said there were no faults and switched msg/icons off, they reappeared after about 40kms!... Everything seemed to work fine, with nothing obviously not working or in some way not performing correctly, drove home (750kms) about halfway the antipollution msg went out completely on it's own, arrived home and next day started car and msg came back... In the next 2-3 months took car to 2 other dealers they both said the same and reaffirmed that the car had no faults, one switched the msg off only for it to reappear after about 50km... All went well for about 9 months - apart from the fan speed controller giving up the ghost, which I imported from the UK and replaced myself - with really good mpg and performance with no complaints or problems as long as you could ignore the antipollution msg and dash lights, I used the car mainly for long trips - 3-500kms - and some shorter trips... And then about 2 months ago, apropos of nothing, whilst out driving the 'ESP/ASR Not Functioning' msg appeared complete with the dreaded 'limp' mode, the 'antipollution' msg remained alongside the ESP/ASR msg... Since then I have checked all that I am able to check; electrical connections, filters - not the FAP particle filter though, fuses, carried out 2 electrical resets or latch resets, checked the MAF unit and no signs of being dirty or clogged in any way, checked the intercooler and again found it to be clean and clear (in it's honeycomb) and to have no oil inside, also checked the diaphragm behind the engine block and the operating rod is not broken and finally out of desperation, based on the experiences of someone - sorry don't know who? - on this forum, I cut the green wire coming out of the loom under the ECU, absolutely no change and nothing seemed to be affected!!!... The battery is new and is the correct one for this vehicle... I get BOTH fault msgs's with the 'skid' icon and the 'engine' icon and the 'service' msg in the instrument cluster, the ESP message kicks in about 5-10 mins from cold start and within 30secs after hot start, the antipollution kicks in straight away hot or cold and always has... Never any power loss or misfire - it is a HDi - had a service carried out about 4K kms ago which included filters, oils etc etc by a Citroen dealer, again despite me asking for any other probs to be flagged they said the same; no faults... Apart from these two 'faults' - the 'antipollution' and the ESP/ASR' - there are no other anomalies at all, the car has performed faultlessly in all other ways, it is the 4spd auto... All I need to be able to do is to get it to drive and then I can take it to a dealer and get their opinion, although I shudder at the thought of the cost - I replaced the fan speed controller and the total cost was $85, including post from the UK, cost of the unit here at a Citroen dealer, $427!!! and that is without fitting!!...as I am out in the bush this is starting to feel like the quintessential 'rock and a hard place' scenario, any help most welcome, thanx in advance...dizzy
  20. Hi Guys...OK I really need to know how to disable the stupid "Esp/Asr Not Functioning" message but more particularly the 'limp mode'... I need to be able to drive the car the 250km to a dealer and this ditsy limp mode just won't let me... I have taken all the advice given by Johndouglas and paul.h, thanx guys - see my last post (Esp/Asr Not Functioning - What The ^%$#&*(&^) and all checks out OK and I have carried out the 2 electrical resets as mentioned in this forum... I also cut the yellow wire that originates from under the ECU - again on advice and direction from someone in this forum, for whom this radical measure seemed to work a treat - thank you everyone...BUT still the friggin "Esp/Asr Not Functioning" message comes up just after starting and it goes into dreaded 'limp mode'...so any ideas guys??...there must be a wire I can cut that WILL disable this limp mode?? or something that I can disconnect, some sensor or something??...any other suggestions or ideas gratefully received...also can anyone suggest a good source for a Lexia and a Galletto?? I am happy to buy s/hand if someone has either and doesn't need/use them any more??...and finally where can I obtain the Ecusafe file???...OK that's it from downunder...happy Citroen days to all!!!...dizzy
  21. Hi paul.h thanx for that will check and report back...dizzy
  22. Hi John...thanx for the reply...it has done 290,000kms...BUT...prior to me acquiring the vehicle it was a 'company' car and serviced meticulously - the previous owner has 7 other Citroen's!!...how do I check the Eolys fluid? or even the particle filter? as I said it is 250km to a dealer and in limp mode driving there I could lose the will to live!!...I seem to recall there is some way to 'clear out' the particle filter and remap the ECU to by pass the Eolys fluid etc etc, is this a possibility?? but what has that to do with stability and traction control??...and I also recall some guy finding a wire in the main loom that when cut sidelined the ESP/ASR function, I have done searches on the forum but no luck, any ideas guys??...kind regards dizzy
  23. Hi Guys...OK here's the (boring?) story: bought the car - 2005 4spd Hdi - 18 months ago, 'Anti Pollution Fault' message on info screen and service lights on from day 1...had them switched off 4 times by 3 different Citroen dealers but NO solution (as to the cause) from any of the 3...replaced the cabin filter, no different, everything seemed to work OK, so decided to live with it, which I have...AND THEN...about 4 weeks ago happily driving along and the 'ESP/ASR NOT FUNCTIONING' message came up and car went into 'Limp Mode' and that's what I did, limped home - I live in a relatively hilly area, nuff said!!...now when I start from cold it takes about 3-4 mins for the ESP/ASR message to come up (the 'Anti-Pollution' message comes up immediately you start it and always has) and if the car is warm it takes about 10secs after starting for it to kick in, I haven't driven it, apart from up and down the driveway a couple of times, since the 'limp' experience...does anyone have any ideas at all please??...I live in Ozz out in the bush and am about 250km from a Citroen dealer, so need to try and fix it myself if I can?...I really like this car but can't for the life of me understand why Citroen made it so frustratingly complixicated??...thanx in advance for all your time and energy...kind regards dizzy
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