I went to my local dealer for an M.O.T. plus 56,000 mile service.The car also needed diesel additive.The car was dropped off at 09.30.At 14.00 I get a phone saying that the additive was going to cost nearly £700[plus filter] and that the rear brakes needed replaceing at around £550!I was also told the service had yet to be done but the car had passed the M.O.T.So I paid for the work done and went to an indipendant in Bristol and got the fluid replaced for £170.Brakes are fine but will need doing soon,cost about £150.No need for the computer to be reset which the dealer said would have to be replaced.One thing,if the brakes needed all that work how did the car pass the M.O.T.? P.S.just to say the filterr was not replaced.