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Everything posted by rickyxsara

  1. Mine has 50000 miles on it and last month i had a knocking noise. Mechanic said it was the dropbar on the right hand side and was replaced in 20 minutes under warranty. Hope this helps. B)
  2. My local dealer got one in this morning so had a good look round it. Tronboy virtually covered the changes in his post and I think the seats definately appear to be more supportive. I still haven,t driven one yet as the one he has in is sold. He hopes to put on a demo soon. First impressions are good but would really like to try the engine. :D
  3. Nice car and health to enjoy. Do the seats seem firmer or just the same ?
  4. Lets have the piccies a.s.a.p. Thanks.
  5. I know tronboy is getting a new one but has anybody else got the 92bhp model yet????
  6. I know tronboy is getting a new one but has anybody else got the 92bhp model yet????
  7. 37500 mile service on HDI Forte £120 here in N.Ireland at Citroen dealership.
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