Hiya Conz, and hello again Colin.....knower of all things Xantia!!! :D She became an it 3 weeks ago...here's how ; Around a month ago I foolishly ran the tank to what I presume were only fumes!!! I was travelling up from London and couldn't be arsed stopping for fuel until I got back home to Glasgow....anyway, I did get to the local BP before she cut out and I quenched her thirst with 60 quids worth of fuel. A week later and I'm late for work....I'm nailing her along the M8 and she has just under a quarter of a tank left....70mph...75mph..80mph....85mph (3500rpm) and it suddenly seems to surge...as though it aint gettin' fuel. Ease off the giggle peddle and all's well at 70mph. I glance at the clock and realise the concrete will be on the job and the 'numptys' will all be standing looking at it so I nail the peddle to the floor again and the same thing happens.....only worse!!! Couple of hundred yards later and I'm forced to pull onto the hard shoulder as it don't wanna play no more. As I sit cursing the car and wondering what I should do......... I did nothing apart from wonder for a couple of minutes and then turned the key and it decides to fire up again and I manage to limp to work through a series of stutters and splutters. We did the concrete pour....good job it was too! I nips down to a local parts shop and buys a fuel filter. Takes the old one out....manky filthy gritty....bins it and replaces it. Hammer it home (just to see how things are) and she's fine....past the ton with no problems. All's fine for a couple of weeks...I oversleep again...foot to the floor...damn surging rears its head again!!! I get to work, buy another filter and strip the the bowl right off (although the filter doesn't look bad at all) and clean it all out with lashings of petrol. Put it all back together again with new filter, finish work....onto motorway and the damn problem's still there!!!! :blink: Colin, should I buy a new alarm clock mate????