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Everything posted by willie

  1. :rolleyes: Right, here goes!!!!............. For months I've been 'wiggling' the ignition key in the barrel to get the bloody fan to kick in...... IT decided IT wasn't playing anymore 'wiggle' games two weeks ago and hasn't went since. This aint funny now that winter's rearing its cold head up here in Scotland. I spent 9 hours with a cold friend in a cold friggin' garage today trying to coax ITS heater fan back into life!!!! We resorted to running a wire (with an in-line fuse) from ITS fuse box area and a wire direct from the negative on the battery terminal. We put a switch on the live wire and after another bit of 'wiggling' (of the switch) IT eventually fired up............"Hmmmmm......maybe the switch we are using is faulty" we said. So another switch was fitted......nothin'...NOTHIN'!!!!! I can hear a clicking noise down at the motor but it won't come on. HELP!!!!!!!
  3. Colin. you are the chosen one mate!!! Thanks, I'll do the job at the weekend.
  4. I've had a look but can't see any inspection point.
  5. Any chance of telling me tomorrow evenings lottery numbers?
  6. Thank you Colin. I'll have a look tomorrow mate.
  7. Can anyone tell me if this will be a difficult job?
  8. Thanks.....think I might have to check the old girl.
  9. Hello again guys. The problem came back. I sorted it for good though. There IS a filter in the tank!!!! I removed the sender unit (thanks Colin) and at the bottom of it is a nylon mesh filter sort of thing......it was totally blocked with ***oops***!!! Good soak in petrol and scrubbed with a nail brush had it like new in no time. Sucked the remaining gallon of fuel from her and cleaned the tank and re-fuelled. She seems even faster now!!!!
  10. NO!!!!!! Colin Hunter is the chosen one!!! :blink:
  11. Bliss....... Manchester and back without a problem. Well............................... apart from the bliddy 140 quid to get her outta the pound for naughty parking :blink:
  12. Well a friend gave me a bottle of Texaco diesel fuel additive stuff.....stuck it in my half tank of fuel and hey presto!!!!!
  13. New filter same problem!!!
  14. LMAO!!!!! :D I'm putting another new filter in it today Colin as I'm driving down to Manchester at the weekend. Hopefully not at 70mph!!!
  15. Hiya Conz, and hello again Colin.....knower of all things Xantia!!! :D She became an it 3 weeks ago...here's how ; Around a month ago I foolishly ran the tank to what I presume were only fumes!!! I was travelling up from London and couldn't be arsed stopping for fuel until I got back home to Glasgow....anyway, I did get to the local BP before she cut out and I quenched her thirst with 60 quids worth of fuel. A week later and I'm late for work....I'm nailing her along the M8 and she has just under a quarter of a tank left....70mph...75mph..80mph....85mph (3500rpm) and it suddenly seems to surge...as though it aint gettin' fuel. Ease off the giggle peddle and all's well at 70mph. I glance at the clock and realise the concrete will be on the job and the 'numptys' will all be standing looking at it so I nail the peddle to the floor again and the same thing happens.....only worse!!! Couple of hundred yards later and I'm forced to pull onto the hard shoulder as it don't wanna play no more. As I sit cursing the car and wondering what I should do......... I did nothing apart from wonder for a couple of minutes and then turned the key and it decides to fire up again and I manage to limp to work through a series of stutters and splutters. We did the concrete pour....good job it was too! I nips down to a local parts shop and buys a fuel filter. Takes the old one out....manky filthy gritty....bins it and replaces it. Hammer it home (just to see how things are) and she's fine....past the ton with no problems. All's fine for a couple of weeks...I oversleep again...foot to the floor...damn surging rears its head again!!! I get to work, buy another filter and strip the the bowl right off (although the filter doesn't look bad at all) and clean it all out with lashings of petrol. Put it all back together again with new filter, finish work....onto motorway and the damn problem's still there!!!! :blink: Colin, should I buy a new alarm clock mate????
  16. Well the amber reserve light flickered as I was approaching home today...... I have covered 557 miles and I have shown no mercy to the horses during most of these miles. Fantastic MPG from the 'old girl'........I reckon I could squeeze around 700 miles from a full tank if I were to drive a bit more conservitively!!!!
  17. I filled my 1.9 TD to the "neck" the other day. I cover 40 motorway miles per day, 6 days a week......and a few around town too. Once I see my amber reserve light coming on I'll report back on this thread and let you know the mileage I've covered.
  18. Well thank you kind Sir!!! I might just take you up on your offer but I'd have to ask the boss first!!!! I'm going to visit Serbia / Montenegro on the bike this summer so I shall see what holidays I have left on the calendar. Cheers!!!
  19. A wealth of information is our Colin!!!!
  20. Thanks yet and yet again Colin. I will probably change her oil around every 3-4 thousand miles.......I have always done this on any of my previous cars as I get my oil FOC through work ;) Yeah, the car's starting to grow on me now that she's starting within 2 seconds on a very cold morning and I've had the belts replaced. The mechanic I chose informed me that the air-con pump had a worn (noisey) bearing and called me to ask if I'd put up with the noise (and still have air-con) or did I want him to fit a shorter belt and bypass the pump and do without air-con..........hey....I stay in Scotland, I can do without!!!! 235 quid for his work......(belts, tentioner and labour) The 77,000 miler I bought for 500 quid a month ago now stands me in the region of 1300 quid....glow plugs, exhaust, spheres, hydraflush,filters, droplinks, pads, tyres, wipers, fog lamp.........nah, hold on.....£1480 including the years tax I just paid for last week!!!! Let's hope that's it for at least a year :D
  21. for my "girl" :blink: She's a 1996 1.9 TD TOTAL RUBIA TIR 7400 SAE 15w-40
  22. Kane, I sent you a pm mate but dunno if it worked.........so here ; http://www.frenchcarforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17451
  23. Nah nah Colin..........tis still "it" for the time being mate!!!
  24. The "magic carpet" ride has been experienced :P Replaced the 4 corner spheres and the accumulator sphere today..........I also flushed the system using that hydraflush stuff..........piss easy job guys - thanks for your advice. Going to get to the root of the bad starting tomorrow (hopefully!!!!). Then I'll book the car in to have the timing belt, auxiliary belt and tensioner done next week....... anyone fancy having a guess as to what I'll get charged?????.........I haven't a clue what to expect :D
  25. Whilst endlessly searching Citroen forums etc. I found this page......... http://www.aepdirect.com/citroen-part.aspx Do you think I might need part number S002 ???
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