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  1. If you use the manual gear change it gives you a much better control, it's almost as if the auto wants to change gear from first into second to early and then once it's in second it's too high a gear, i know it sounds daft second being to high a gear. It's just strange that once it's warm that it's ok, I was thinking of changing the gearbox oil for a better quality oil? you would think if it's a gearbox fault that it would be there all the time? cheers smokescreen.
  2. I know the gearbox is engaging the kick down feature when i floor the accelerator, the car its self is not sluggish its just the gear change when cold in auto :angry: but its fine once the cars warmed up. its in for a service shortly will mention it again had it looked at before but was told there was nothing wrong. its a great car apart from this little problem.
  3. My wifes got a 54reg 1.4i 16v XTR with Sensodrive, and when her cars cold and she sets off the auto gears are very sluggish :) , when the auto changes the gears from 1st to 2nd the car will hardly move until you put your foot right down on the accelerator and then it changes back down into 1st and surges forward :ph34r: When the cars warmed up this problem goes away just wondering if anyone else has had the same thing happen to them? and have got any solutions? Cheers
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