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Everything posted by pantman66

  1. thats ok i would have wrote the same lol thanks again i will see if i can sort out prob in the morning and will let ya know paul
  2. ps, when you say lever do you mean the lever inside the car that adjusts the height in 3 positions? sorry to be thick but as i say im not mechanically minded. paul
  3. uote name='Colin Hunter' date='Oct 6 2008, 10:38 PM' post='35113'] Hi Paul. The suspension heights, front and rear, are controlled by a shuttle valve type device known as the height corrector. This will allow fluid to flow in and out of the system as the car is loaded & unloaded to retain the correct ride height. The corrector takes its input from a small plastic link which goes between a lever on the corrector and an arm which clamps to the anti roll bar. The lever between the seats also connects to the height correctors. There are two possibilities here. The height corrector has seized up and needs to be freed off. Get the car up on a lift or over a pit and with someone in the car and the engine running, work the lever between the seats while spraying WD40 or similar on the moving parts. Once you have got it free and working properly clart everything you can see with LOTS OF GREASE to stop it happening again. The wee plastic link has fallen off and, without its input, the corrector can't make up its mind where it needs to be. A new one can be bought for pennies from Citroen but the problem is that the balls upon which it clips become rusted and worn and can't retain the link. A tested "fix" here in Shetland is to make a small "L" shaped peice of steel and LIGHTLY tack weld it to the bottom of the corrector arm so that it prevents the link from dropping off. Mine was like that for 2 years before I sold it and the guy who bought it says it's still OK another 7 months on. Cheers. Hope this helps. :rolleyes: hi colin thanks for the quick reply,im not very good mechanically but will have a look in the morning paul
  4. hi,i have a 99 xantia 1.9 petrol and have a problem with the rear suspension, every now and again for the last month the rear suspension will not raise after starting but after maybe a mile or so it corrects itself and is ok for a few days. this morning it will not raise at all even after driving about ten miles,has anyone got any ideas what the problem is and can it be fixed? if so will it be expensive? hope someone can help paul
  5. does anyone know where i can get a clutch fitted in market rasen area? any ideas on price including clutch kit and without. it is for a 1997 saxo 1.1i.
  6. hi colin thanks for the reply,i will have a look at the cable today. paul Not absolutely certain about the Saxo clutch, but I imagine it would be very similar to the 1.4i ZX from the same era. Look at where the clutch cable attaches to the release arm on the gearbox and you should see a threaded end with two locknuts on it. This is where the clutch adjustment is carried out. Undo the nuts and screw them back until you are satisfied with the action of the pedal. There is a procedure in the ZX manual which involves measuring the position of the clutch pedal to get the setting right and I should think something similar will apply to the Saxo. As the 1.1 is merely a smaller version of the 1.4, I would think it would be the same gearbox in both cars. The cable should be easy enough to fit, ask someone in your local Citroen agency for advice, both about the cable and pedal position. You may be surprised how helpfull they can be to DIY people. The worst case scenario is that the clutch may be on the way out, but my son's ('96) ZX has done 112,000 miles and as far as I know it's the original clutch. It also bites quite high but does not slip under load. Cheers Hope this helps. :)
  7. i have just bought a 97 1.1 saxo,it has a very high clutch biting point,is this normal? if not is the cable adjustable or will it need a new cable? if it needs a new one are they easy to fit or is it a garage or competent mechanic job? hope someone can help paul
  8. thanks mate,i will ring them this morning and see,i noticed wires under front seats what are they for? cheers
  9. thanks for the reply,i will have a fiddle around with it tomorrow, like you say trial and error and i should get something sorted. thanks paul
  10. hi just bought a 1999 xantia 1.8i sx so im new to the world of citroens,does anyone know where to get an owners handbook and one for the stereo pls? i have the service book etc but the guy i bought it off has mislaid them and cannot find them,i hope someone can help as i have no idea what some of the buttons and switches do,also i would like to set the stations etc thanks
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