Has anyone else had a problem with the boot suddenly flying open without warning. A couple of nights ago, after appx 7 miles of errands during which time the car was reversed up to a wall while I was out of it, the boot suddenly decided to fly open with no warning. It had not been touched since the dogs were loaded into it at home, we had been on 30 mph and 50 mph stretches of road. We had negotiated left turns, right turns and roundabouts, and been over speed bumps. Luckily it happed just as I pulled onto a roundabout - I heard a yelp and looked in the mirror to see the tailgate open. Slammed on the brakes which meant I stopped blocking traffic coming onto the roundabout while I leaped out and recovered 2 dogs. Fortunately they were not hurt but we were all very shaken. (I dread to think of what would have happened if I had not stopped blocking the roundabout, or if someone had been following me). I had looked at the clock only a couple of minutes previously, to check the time, and there was no indication of a door being open. I have since heard that my neighbour's son had the same thing happen on his Peugot Partner (same car, different manufacturer name) 3 times. I also warned a friend who has a Berlingo and she has twice had the tailgate fly open - she thought she might not have closed it properly at the time, but had no warnings on her display either. I have contacted Citroen regarding the problem, and am getting the catches checked by an independant workshop on Monday.