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  1. One thing to bear in mind once you have tuned it - if you are listening to the radio then decide to swap to CD you will be deafened..... Volume 12/13 to hear the radio at a comfortable level means when you swap to CD the panels vibrate with sound, and you have to quickly decrease to about 6 or 7..... silly me thought that the volume would come out the same whatever the medium playing....
  2. If anyone stole mine they would have a difficult job removing all the dog hairs, blankets, dog harnesses and general nose wipes over the rear windows.... almost better than a crook lock for deterring theives!
  3. Quick update: Citroen had the car in yesterday - could not find any problem with the latch (not surprised as works garage had already checked it) but they "tightened" it???? re the warning when it came undone - according to the "technician" it is not meant to go off until the door is almost open. I said I was not impressed with this as by then most of whatever was in the back could have been lost.... they maintained that they were right. I have emailed Citroen UK re this, pointing out (as an extreme example) that if the same criteria was set for the driver's door, rather than a warning when the handle was pulled the driver could find him/herself lying on the road before the warning went off..... ok I know that is a silly example, but the driver is next to the door which causes hysterical flashing of interior lights etc, the boot is at the far end of the car, so what is the point of a warning that the door has come open if it has actually been open for many miles....... will keep you posted
  4. Thought I would let you know I have been experimenting, and rather than pressing the central locking as I start to move off I have waited until I am doing about 20 mph - then holding the button for a few seconds as you suggested...... I get an almighty clunk, the light on central locking button goes on, and there is a bing bong noise as if I am about to get "this is your captain speaking".... assume this is the autolock!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Useful info there Terry, thanks. I will now have to try and find if it is on my one. Force of habit is to press the central locking until the light comes on as I move off, and I am sure I had done this. Surely if the catch had not clicked properly to start with the boot would have flown open before the 7 miles traipsing around were up?? Anyway - got it checked by works mechanics today - they could not find anything wrong with the catch, and think it must have been a freak - but I have now added a strap from bottom of boot lid to spare tyre holder for my own peace of mind - fleet kept saying go back to Citroen and say you will hold them responsible if it happens again, but as that could involved injured or dead dogs rather than the very lucky escape we had, I don't want to risk it..... Fleet did find however that the warning about open doors did not flash up until the boot was fully open - so there is definitely something wrong there as bouncing along the road means it would be up and down, never fully open continually, so there would never be a warning.
  6. not sure what you mean by autolocking - but when I set off I have a habit of clicking on the central locking - after a friend got an uninvited guest in her car at traffic lights I thought better to lock everything while travelling.
  7. sorry - kept telling me to check message length so kept trying to post without checking it was already there
  8. sorry - kept telling me to check message length so kept trying to post without checking it was already there
  9. sorry - kept telling me to check message length so kept trying to post without checking it was already there
  10. sorry - kept telling me to check message length so kept trying to post without checking it was already there
  11. sorry - kept telling me to check message length so kept trying to post without checking it was already there
  12. Has anyone else had a problem with the boot suddenly flying open without warning. A couple of nights ago, after appx 7 miles of errands during which time the car was reversed up to a wall while I was out of it, the boot suddenly decided to fly open with no warning. It had not been touched since the dogs were loaded into it at home, we had been on 30 mph and 50 mph stretches of road. We had negotiated left turns, right turns and roundabouts, and been over speed bumps. Luckily it happed just as I pulled onto a roundabout - I heard a yelp and looked in the mirror to see the tailgate open. Slammed on the brakes which meant I stopped blocking traffic coming onto the roundabout while I leaped out and recovered 2 dogs. Fortunately they were not hurt but we were all very shaken. (I dread to think of what would have happened if I had not stopped blocking the roundabout, or if someone had been following me). I had looked at the clock only a couple of minutes previously, to check the time, and there was no indication of a door being open. I have since heard that my neighbour's son had the same thing happen on his Peugot Partner (same car, different manufacturer name) 3 times. I also warned a friend who has a Berlingo and she has twice had the tailgate fly open - she thought she might not have closed it properly at the time, but had no warnings on her display either. I have contacted Citroen regarding the problem, and am getting the catches checked by an independant workshop on Monday.
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