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Everything posted by jubilee

  1. Hi My picasso has recently failed its 1st MOT test due to play in the passenger front ball joint. My local dealer has told me its not covered under warranty as its down to wear and tear, the car has only done 25,000! Another dealer has told me verbally it is covered under warranty so I'm now in dispute with dealer and hoping citreon will re-imburse my costs. Has any one had the same happen and it be covered under warranty? Any recalls anyone aware of? Thanks!
  2. Hi My picasso has recently failed its 1st MOT test due to play in the passenger front ball joint. My local dealer has told me its not covered under warranty as its down to wear and tear, the car has only done 25,000! Another dealer has told me verbally it is covered under warranty so I'm now in dispute with dealer and hoping citreon will re-imburse my costs. Has any one had the same happen and it be covered under warranty? Any recalls anyone aware of? Thanks!
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