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About Maurocar

  • Birthday 12/20/1980

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi all, I have a C3 (2002) and last week I went to open the back passenger door (left side) and the handle just got detached from the door! I tried putting it back and clip it to the white leaver but every time I try to open again, same thing happens again. It looks like the handle needs to be clipped or tightened so it wouldn't slide. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
  2. I Just changed mine at 85,700Km. My Citroen agent told me they change it at 80,000Km
  3. Ok guys, I managed to sort it out after 50min fighting like an idiot in my garage. I just received the bill by fax from HEAVEN!!! It costed me 4 years less in heaven....I had to swear!!!! Bloody bulb :( :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  4. Guys, I own a C3 2002 Model, after some nightmares with the front right main beam I managed to solve the spring problem by using a mirror. I only used it once, since than I know what I'm looking for and since I nearly change it once a year!! it only takes me 10min to change. The most important thing is to seal the cover properly after you change it or else you get condensation and thats it!!! Last week I had to change the main beam twice. I had a new faulty bulb, now I discovered I have one of the rear number plates blubs faulty. I never changed it and I cant manage too. Can anyone help me and explain to me from where I can take off the cover or tricks of the trade to change the bulb? Thanks Mauro
  5. Finally they fixed it for me after 4 hrs waiting. The lock cost 10Euros and labour costed 32Euros!! :D :angry:
  6. Hey Eunice, The same thing just happened to me 2 hours ago!!! :rolleyes: :P Any luck? It's the last day before new years holidays and I'm pretty sure the Local Citroen dealerd wount fix it for me cause they are to busy (Having drinks)
  7. Hi Igloo, thanks for your reply. I had to change my central locking again for the 3rd time in 5 bloody years. Now 2 weeks passed and I went to gently open the front passenger door and the lock cam completly in my hands. Did it happen to some one. Any ideas how to fix it manually??? Shall i throw this **** car from a cliff or it's not worth it? :rolleyes: :P :D :P
  8. Hi guys...I have had my C3 for 5 years now and this is the 3rd time I'm changing my central locking. Once in a while I just try to lock my car and a loud Buzzzzzzzz sound comes from the front passenger seat. The Central Locking still works perfectly but the Buzzzzzzzzz sound is so loud and anoying.!!! Anyone have experianced the same situation???!!!??? :angry: :blink:
  9. Mine is petrol. Every time I take it to my Citroen dealer they always set it to 29900. My guage is set on km/h. Is it normal? When you reset the counter and you start the car again; you said it will show up 20000 or 12500. Can I set it to any number I want, lets say 10000 cause my service is after 10000Km?
  10. I had some thing similiar too. Neither with my key nor with the Master. Tried again after 10min and locked perfectly. It already did it twice for me. Today i had the full service at my citroen dealer and they didnt find any thing out of place. Looks very strange. Regards MauroCar
  11. Hi all, I have a Citroen C3 1.1 and I would like to know how to set the milage counter untill next service on the digital display. When i take it to a citroen dealer they always set it wrong. Anyone can help me out ???
  12. Hi all, I have a Citroen C3 1.1 and I would like to know how to set the milage counter untill next service on the digital display. When i take it to a citroen dealer they always set it wrong. Anyone can help me out ??? Regards Mauro
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