Hi, I'm new just signed up here had a c1 rhythm for a couple'v years now, and its my first car... Oh just quickly should probably mention i love the car, noticed the topic on if it looks too girlie? naaaah its fine! its nippy and fun to drive (from my very limited experiance and what i've been told). It's even been fine on the motorway i dont find the noise that much bother. Anyway my problem is that inevitably, being my first car, i've had a bit'v an incident. I was driving back from my girlfriends through some dodgy devonshire backroads, and a combination of tiredness and wet conditions caused me to swerve a couple'v times then hit a low bank. I already realise this was pretty foolish, its not a mistake il be making again. The car drove away from it fine, although the bumper is now loose on the front passenger side (where i hit the bank), the headlamp is also a bit loose, although works fine, and the wheel was a bit damaged. So, i've replaced the wheel with the spare, had the wheels allignment done at a local kwik-fit and asked the mechanic to check for anything obvious whilst he was down there - he said a bolt had shaken loose but he'd fixed that free of charge. My issue now is that to me the suspension suddenly seems very bumpy. This could be my paranoia, but ideally id like it checked out. But since im a student i literally dont have the cash for anything like this right now. So the questions: If the suspension is damaged will it cause further damage to the car driving on it? How can i find out if the suspension is ok? preferably without touching the no-claims on the insurance. How much is it likely to cost if there is damage? Where should i go to get this done? Cheers for any advice you can offer