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  1. Thx guys. I believe Jannez is the closest to a solution in my case. Most likely the adapter of some sort will fix my problem, but I don't know which one. I don't have a problem with radio turning off or on when I open dors and such (I am quite discipline and always take the cover off when leaving my car), I just don't want reset to factory setting every time I leave my car for more than 2 minutes. I will look up the solution with my car dealer and hope he will have a solution for me (I know I would win eventualy if I start the war with wireing but I don't want to mess up with brand new car's waranty). thx once more and I wish you a good time on your back seat :-) Still: if somebody have a quick practical solution, I would appreciate sharing it.
  2. Thx, but I have tried this already and still no change. I even joined these two conectors (likke is said in the kenwood manual) and burned out a car fuse :-( don't want this to happen again. Maybe some other suggestion? Thx in advance
  3. I know subject sounds stupid but hear me out. I bought new Xara Picasso without radio, bought Kenwood radio, plug it in, everything worked fine, for about 2min and than it turns off by it self (the car is not running at the time) until I put the key back in or open a door, after that it works again for about 2min or as long the car is running and about 2min after that. All this doesn't sound abnormal, but the problem is that car is cutting off constant battery power to Radio (I suppose Dashboard all together) after this 2min inactivity and resets my radio (all is reset to factory settings). I wonder if there is a way to do something about it besides rewiring of the system (connecting radio to constant battery power manualy) since this car is brand new and he still has warranty I don't want to loose. Thank you for your help. Matija.dam
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