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Alex Cutelli

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  1. Hi, newbie here. I've had an M reg ZX 1.9L turbo (diesel) - with 73k now on the clock - for just over a year and it's due for its annual service. Already I've shelled out the best part of a grand on a replacement cambelt, new rear cylinders, brake pads and a bunch of other stuff. Now I've noticed that the coolant in the rad has dropped right down to minimum. As we've only done around 9k miles this year I suspect there's a slight leak. So, I'm taking it for the first time to a Citroen dealer, rather than my usual local garage, and they tell me that their 'small' service costs around £130. I can cope with that but I fear that they may tell me I need a new rad. So, how much might one cost to install? Or could I get away with bunging in some Radweld and hope it does the trick? The other thing is that in the manual it says that you need a Citroen dealer to put in the coolant if more than 1 litre is required. True or b.s? any useful advice'd be much appreciated. cheers
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